*New Offering* Welcome Shabbat with a Meal and/or Friday evening Service 

Join us Friday, February 21st to welcome Shabbat with Kabbalat shabbat songs, brachot (blessings) followed by dinner (potluck, with some hummus, salad and falafel provided), and a Friday evening ‘Gates of Prayer’ service led by Ruby and Miriam.   This is an all-ages, family-friendly evening, and all are welcome to take part in some of all of the songs/meal/service. RSVP here For more information about exact times, please contact:  contact@jccpeterborough.com

Beth Israel Book Club: The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store in January

The Beth Israel Book Club invites you to join us to read and discuss The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride at Beth Israel on Thursday, January 23rd at 6:30 p.m. This book tells the tale of an American Jewish couple’s struggle and the Black community who unite to help them. The book is available from the Peterborough Public Library in print and electronically. For more information or to RSVP, email Miriam.

Upcoming Children’s Circle Dates

Zoe and Team are pleased to let us know that they will be offering programs for children aged 5-12 (younger kids welcome with a parent) on upcoming Saturday mornings during January, February and March at Bethi Israel Synagogue.  For specific dates, times and details please inquire at: contact@jccpeterborough.com .   Each gathering includes storytime, learning activities, crafts, and baking. Mark your calendars! And stay tuned for more details.

Beth Israel Applies for Holocaust Education Funding

With support from the Beth Israel Board of Directors, Ralph Baehre and the BIC Holocaust Education Committee and grant writer and BIC member Ziysah von Bieberstein have applied for $419,467 in funding over five years from the Department of Canadian Heritage’s Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program-National Holocaust Remembrance Program to build Beth Israel’s capacity to provide Holocaust and antisemitism education in the Peterborough, Northumberland, and Kawartha Lakes regions. We hope to hear an affirmative response soon. For more information, to make a donation in support or in honour of this work, or to get involved, email the BIC Holocaust Education Committee

Beth Israel Board Welcomes New Directors

With two vacancies and three applicants (how lucky!) the Beth Israel Board wasn’t sure how best to proceed. However, at their December meeting Len Lifchus graciously offered to move up the end of his term, stepping down to become the Board’s Governance Advisor. Thank you Len for your service; we appreciate that you will continue to lead the Ritual Committee for the term. This made openings for the Beth Israel Board of Directors to appoint Alexandra (Alex) Rawek, Gabriele Zeh-Abramsky and Jennifer (Jenny) Katz to the Board.


Cantor’s Message for Chanukah 5785/2024

Dearest friends,
Most of us will know the origins of the holiday of Chanukah: in the 2nd century BCE, at the time of the Maccabean Revolt, the Seleucid Greeks sacked and desecrated the Temple in Jerusalem. When the fighting stopped on the 25 th day of the month of Kislev, the Temple was rededicated; but it was discovered that there was only one day’s supply of pure oil with which to light the Menorah. By a miracle (according to the Talmud), this oil lasted for eight days, which gave enough time to produce a new
I’ve been at the Rambam again (still my go-to Jewish scholar), and have been studying his interpretation of the importance of Chanukah. In his text Mishneh Torah, chapters 3 and 4, he confirms that lighting the Chanukiah is precious, and that the mitzvah is more essential than many others. But he then says something rather surprising: if a poor person has to choose between oil for a house lamp on Shabbat and a Chanukah lamp, or between oil for a house lamp on Shabbat and wine for Kiddush, the house lamp should have priority, for the sake of peace in the household. The Rambam then adds: ‘Great indeed is peace, forasmuch as the purpose for which the whole Torah was given is to bring peace upon the world, as it is said in Proverbs, Its ways are the ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace.
It’s a strange way to end a discussion, by using the Chanukah candles as a foil to highlight the importance of keeping the house lights burning on Shabbat, so that the inhabitants can see; but the point is that a dark dwelling would disrupt the peace, and cause strife within a family. So to avoid such discord, we do all that’s in our power to maintain peace. It’s customary on Chanukah to have gatherings of family and friends; it’s a time to lay aside friction, quarrels, dissent and recriminations, and come together to share the miraculous festival of light, in order to reconcile whatever differences we may have had during the year.
For me this is the profound meaning of Chanukah which I share with you: while its origins in the 2nd century BCE may lie in a revolt against our enemies, we should, as a matter of urgency — especially given all the strife both at home and abroad — strive for peace and reconciliation.
I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Chanukah.
With love from Cantor Leon

Explore Judaism Course Starting in January!

Beth Israel is looking at offering an 8-week course online for local people interested in exploring Judaism (Judaism 101) to build connection, knowledge and confidence in the traditions, in 2025. Whether you identify as Jewish or not, have prior knowledge of Judaism or don’t, join us to explore the foundational topics of Jewish living, including Shabbat, the year cycle, lifecycle events, synagogue, spirituality, etc. The cost is $200 per household for members, $300 for non-members. Some subsidies available. Please click here to express your interest; registration to follow.

Chanukah-Is-Coming Brunch’n Dance Tickets!

Celebrate the joy of (almost) Chanukah with delicious food, great company and DANCING, Saturday, December 21st from 10:30am-2pm. New this year: professional dance instructor Jenny Wiesel will lead us in traditional and modern Jewish Folk Dancing! Tickets are $36 per family or $15 per adult (members; $20 for non-members), and $9 per child and include a  latke-centric brunch, dancing and more!. Latkes are gluten free, and the caterer is nut free.  Click here for ticketscapacity is limited.

Jewish Community Choir: Now in Progress but You Can Still Join

Do you want to learn about and sing Jewish songs, prayers, and music across genres with others to develop a repertoire to share? Well, you’re in luck! The Jewish Community Choir, Directed by Ruby Rowan, will explore Jewish music in English, Yiddish, and Hebrew. No singing or music experience required. If you are interested to join the Choir OR if you play an instrument/s or have experience with klezmer and/or Yiddish music, please complete this brief application so we can get to know you and confirm practice dates.