
To APPLY for membership for the 2024-25 year, please complete the membership application or renewal form.

To RENEW your membership, please complete the membership application or renewal form. This will give us all of your information in one place (a G!dsend). However none of your information has changed and you just want to send in your dues, please see the membership dues form and remit payment by Thursday, October 31st to remain a member in good standing. 

Member Benefits

Beth Israel members make possible the programming, communications, beautiful space, religious leadership, holocaust- and anti-semitism education, community outreach, and security that Beth Israel provides as an expression of our vibrant, growing unique regional Jewish community.

As well as admission to all High Holy Day services led by Cantor Leon Litvack, lay-led Shabbat services and other special holiday celebrations, support from Cantor Leon Litvak for spiritual guidance, support for life cycle events, opportunities to actively participate in our services and programs, children’s and youth education programs, regular newsletters packed with information and access to the larger Peterborough Jewish community through alliances and sharing of information, voting members in our congregation also have the right to:

  • Vote at our Annual General Meeting (voting members)
  • Nominate members to the Board of Directors and to serve as a Director of the Board
  • Discounted rates on booking space at Beth Israel (first booking is free)
  • Discounted rates on reservation of cemetery plots in the Beth Israel section of Little Lake cemetery

If you are interested in becoming a member of Beth Israel congregation, please complete the membership application form in full.

We are committed to ensuring Beth Israel membership is accessible to all. If these dues amounts are not within your means, note this on your application (strictly confidential), and we will work together to find a solution that works for you.

Membership dues are payable via:

  • Cheque to Beth Israel Congregation, P.O. Box 144, Peterborough, ON, K9J 6Y7
  • e-transfer to suggested password: bethisrael (all lower case)
  • CanadaHelps at (credit card or Paypal). This option allows you to make a one-time payment or choose “monthly” and divide your dues by 12. If the name on your banking records is different than the name on this form, please let us know!

Learn more about our congregation in these documents:

If you have questions or would like to talk about membership, please email us at