Torah Study

Torah Study Mini-Series NOW During June: Will You Come? 

The Torah Study pilot series will NOT begin May 25th as previously planned, but will now run Saturdays, during June. Are you with us? RSVP here (so we know to expect you), and click here to add it to your calendar. Participants will take turns reading the Parsha in English and discuss questions as they arise, with the goal of bringing more meaning/relevance/joy to the study of Torah. No advance study or preparation needed. Chumashim will be provided, or bring your own to add to the perspectives.

Lag B’Omer Celebration

Beth Israel is hosting a Lag B’Omer, celebration on Saturday, May 25th from 5pm on, with a bonfire, kosher wiener roast and potluck.  Hot dogs and buns to be provided.  For your culinary preferences bring potluck contributions (no un-kosher meat or shellfish, please) and BYO lawn chair, if possible. RSVP so organizers can know numbers for food. RSVP here so we’ll know to expect you.  For more details regarding location etc. please contact:

Thank you!

Panel on Judaism & Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) via Zoom

Join our very own Cantor Leon Litvack and Dr. Dan Houpt on Sunday 19 May, 2 pm via Zoom for a fascinating online discussion on Judaism & Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID), which for Judaism presents challenges: how does it relate to the sanctity of life, and to our being created in God’s image, and how does it sit with the concept of pikuach nefesh, the obligation to preserve life? Alternatively, shouldn’t we be guided by rachamim (compassion), and end unbearable suffering for those who are in constant pain and distress?
Please register here to receive the Zoom link.

Jewish Family Forest Adventures


Jewish Family Forest Adventures: 

Register Now

Participants in last week’s Jewish Family Forest Adventures enjoyed a beautiful Spring day catching frogs (ahead of the plague of Passover), investigating wetlands, nibbling wild leeks, and admiring many garter snakes (right out of the Garden of Eden!). Thank you Marty for supporting the kids in this way.

The next program runs May 4th. For more information or to register (required for newcomers), click here.

Forest Adventure Participants #1Forest Adventure Participants #2





Photo credits:  Marty





Tree of Life

Graphic Credit:  MyJewishLearning







Beth Israel News Prize

How do I get a Beth Israel News Prize?

To be eligible for a Prize, all you need to do is submit something to the Beth Israel News. For Editorial Guidelines on what we do (and don’t) publish, click here. Your item can be big or small, one time or every week; it can be notice of a typo, words of thanks, or beyond. Every time someone sends in a contribution, their name is entered to win. Once a month (or so), we will draw a name at random, and pick a – perhaps equally random prize.  

Mazel tov, Eitan! You are the winner of the Beth Israel News for this month. Your prize is a bag of Munchos (chips, donated to Beth Israel by a kind member, excited about the Ladino nature of their name). To be eligible for a Prize, all you need to do is submit something to the Beth Israel News. For Editorial Guidelines on what we do (and don’t) publish, click here. Your item can be big or small, it can be notice of a typo, words of thanks, or beyond. Once a month (or so), we will draw a name and award a prize. 

Seeking Assistant Gabbai (Volunteer)

The search is on for someone to assist Ron Molnar and Cantor Leon Litvack in ensuring the smooth running of the High Holy Days and other religious services, with a view (eventually) to succeeding Ron as Gabbai (. Basic facility in Hebrew and some familiarity with the prayer book

(siddur/mahzor) are absolute requirements. Please send a statement at your earliest convenience, outlining your interest and experience – or any questions – please email Ron





Resources for Combating AntiSemitism

Resources for Combating

Anti-Semitism and Hate

In light of the increase in antisemitism at home and abroad, the Beth Israel Holocaust Education Committee has compiled a list of community and educational resources to combat antisemitism and hate here. If you have further resources you would like to suggest, please email Ralph.

 stop hate