*New Offering* Welcome Shabbat with a Meal and/or Friday evening Service 

Join us Friday, February 21st to welcome Shabbat with Kabbalat shabbat songs, brachot (blessings) followed by dinner (potluck, with some hummus, salad and falafel provided), and a Friday evening ‘Gates of Prayer’ service led by Ruby and Miriam.   This is an all-ages, family-friendly evening, and all are welcome to take part in some of all of the songs/meal/service. RSVP here For more information about exact times, please contact:  contact@jccpeterborough.com

**Community Shabbat Dinner & Songs; Friday, November 22nd**

Ben Langer and family host a family-friendly Shabbat dinner Friday, November 22nd.  Kiddush at 5:30; dinner 5:30-6:30; Birkat HaMazon at 6:30 followed by songs and games. A vegetarian/vegan friendly, kosher-style dinner will be provided; additional vegetarian kosher-style food (see guidelines here) dishes are welcome, but not necessary. Guests are invited to bring any kiddush cups, candlesticks and candles you have and would like to bring and to light. RSVP now so they can start planning for numbers!