Events and Observances of the Past
Cantor’s Message, Chanukah 5784
Dearest friends,
We are about to celebrate the festival of Chanukah, which commemorates the rededication of the Temple, and the redemption of the Jewish people from their oppressors. For eight nights we will light candles to represent freedom and hope; in the wake of the horrific events of 7 October 2023, this act of illumination is more important than ever.
Jewish people are naturally drawn to the light. In our tradition, it’s is a symbol of God’s presence; indeed in Etz Hayim, the chumash (Bible) that I use throughout the year for worship and study, there is an interesting commentary offered on the religious significance of light:
Why has light been such a favorite symbol of God? Perhaps because light itself cannot be seen. We become aware of its presence when it enables us to see
other things. Similarly, we cannot see God, but we become aware of God’s presence when we see the beauty of the world, when we experience love and the goodness of our fellow human beings.
With all of the pain and suffering in the world at the moment, it is essential for us to think about how we can play our part in reducing the darkness, and increasing the light. As a sign of our commitment to illumination and enlightenment, the Chanukiah is the perfect symbol: we begin by lighting one candle on the first night, and gradually increase the number until we have eight lights burning (plus the shamash, that is used for kindling the others). The reason for going from one to eight in the ritual is much debated. For me, at the moment, it’s about incrementally increasing the love and kindness that we need to show, in order to bring healing to the world.
When you light your candles, please sit with them for a moment, to think about why you are performing this essential ritual, which dates back two thousand years, and how, as Jews, we can enhance goodness, love and peace in our troubled world.
With love and best wishes for a chag Chanukah sameach
from Cantor Leon
High Holy Days 5784
September 2023
The High Holy Days are fast approaching.
As before, the services are offered to you with much passion by our beloved spiritual leader, Cantor Leon Litvack and with the usual fervour and sharing of spirit through community participation. If you have not been to one of Leon’s services, now is the chance to see what you have been missing and to join with fellow Jews in our congregation in the observance of these special days in our calendar from the start of Rosh Hashanah to the end of Yom Kippur, commonly referred to as the Days of Awe.
Link to details below for the High Holy Days services at Beth Israel Synagogue.
Link to call for readers, singers and other contributors.
Link to Cantor Leon’s High Holy Days Messages.
Services Details
Please contact: for details about specific times and if any arrangements are required for you to attend. A Zoom link is available for those persons wishing to attend the services but cannot do so in-person.
Return to this page frequently for possible revisions.
Call for Readers, Singers and Other Contributors!
What is absolutely paramount is that attendees to the services participate as readers and even musically. Please, please, please contact (Ron Molnar et. al.) if you are at all interested in actively taking part in the services! Just to tweak your interest, here are items how you can participate:
- English and Hebrew Readings: participate as a reader (English and/or Hebrew) in one or all of the services.
- Kohanim: we need your participation!
Ron ( ) will provide you with details about each of these events and how you can participate.
Cantor Leon’s Message for High Holy Days (5784) :
The High Holy Days are nearly upon us, and I look forward to being with you, for a slightly longer period than usual. This year we will be able to celebrate Erev Sukkot together, by way of a special service to mark the marriage of Jared Gallay to Sheri Chapman. We wish them and their families a hearty Mazal tov!
These are serious considerations: our prayers are only a sacrifice substitute; aren’t there other practical things that we can be doing to demonstrate the depth of our devotion to God and to other human beings? This question will form the basis of this year’s spiritual exercise. We will also explore the nature of the sacrifices that were offered in the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple).
We will have lots of music, including a new piece that combines the best of Luciano Pavarotti and Elvis Presley (if you can imagine that!). There will be lots of congregational participation, including by the young people. We are fortunate to have among us a young person who will share the shofar-blowing duties, and I hope that the young people will contribute to our discussion about sacrifices in their own unique way.
Please do come out and support our services in person, and join in the fun. If you can’t make it, we will be broadcasting our services on Zoom as well.
I am so looking forward to seeing everyone. Our program kicks off on Friday 15 September. Let me take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year!
With love from Cantor Leon
Cantor Leon’s Message for High Holy Days (5783) :
Dearest friends,
I am so very pleased to be able to travel to Canada in person for this year’s High Holy Day services. I’ve been longing for a return to the land of my birth, to share Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with all of you, and to visit with family and friends. It will be a time to recall all that has happened in the interval: the sadness, the struggles, and the bereavements, but also the joys, achievements, and simchas that are all part of life’s ever-revolving circle.
There will be wonderful music, of course — more than ever before! I’ve been busy writing new arrangements, which I’m eager to share with you. This year, for the first time, we will be offering an Erev Rosh Hashanah service with guitar accompaniment throughout, to welcome in the New Year with joy and with open arms. We will also have a special ‘Kumzitz’ gathering during Rosh Hashanah, in which we will sing together some easy-to-learn melodies, to mark our spiritual reawakening and to elevate us to new heights. I’m especially keen to share with you a new piece called ‘B’Motzaei Menucha’ (‘At the outgoing of the day of rest’), which includes the lines ‘Receive all who seek Your Presence;/Let their plea reach Your heavenly abode’. We are a wonderfully welcoming congregation, and we look forward to sharing our services with all who wish to join us.
The theme I’ve chosen for this year is ‘Reunions’, which seems quite appropriate, in that we are just learning to be together in person again. What will it be like? How will we behave? What will we say? Will everything seem ‘normal’, or will a new reality emerge? We shall find out, as we share our thoughts about gathering with one another, for worship, for friendship, for community, and for celebration!
One of the central themes of these High Holy Days is Teshuvah: a Hebrew word often mistranslated as ‘repentance’, but which actually denotes ‘return’. As we congregate again at Beth Israel, we have many good reasons for celebrating our return — our reunion. I look forward to being there to welcome you, and to lead us on this incredible journey, back to where it all started, and back to where we all belong.
Wishing you a wonderful Shanah Tovah,
In the meantime, here is Leon’s message from last year.
Cantor Leon’s Message for High Holy Days (5782)
Dearest friends,
I hope you have had a pleasant summer, and that you have enjoyed the loosening of restrictions in relatively good humour. Vaccinations are proceeding at pace, and we trust that the coming year will be one of health, peace of mind, and freedom!
Once again we are forced to hold our High Holy Day services online. I can’t tell you how much of a disappointment this is to me personally: travel is still difficult and uncertain, and we are not sufficiently free of the virus to be able to return to indoor worship, in the way that brings so much joy and fulfilment to all of us. We have learned to cope with the virus, and the medium of Zoom has offered some compensation: we were able to hold services for Chanukah, Pesach, and Shavuot. We were also able to tune in to the all-important Friday nights (for the conduct of which the community is blessed, through having our own people come forward to give of their time and expertise). I’d like to thank everyone who was – and continues to be – involved in making these services happen: they’ve meant so much to so many!
We’ve had much to contemplate over the last year, much to cope with, and much for which we need to be thankful. The High Holy Days are, quite rightly, a time for reflection, for taking stock, and for planning how we will conduct ourselves in the coming year. Undoubtedly the Jewish year 5782 will be different from 5781 – hopefully in the best of ways. We long for a return to our regular scheme of activities, to meeting friends and family without reservation, to return to our workplaces, to return to school or university, and to travel more freely and extensively. We will also (God willing) soon be able to come back to shul, and to our regular cycle of communal worship. Until we can do so, it would be useful to ask ourselves what this will mean for us: how is worshipping in the synagogue, with a physical minyan (quorum of ten people), with prayer books, with a sefer Torah that we can feel, and even kiss, different from doing it online, at a distance? How is getting dressed up to come to shul – thus requiring some effort, and making it a special occasion – different from sitting in the living room in our more casual clothes, looking at a screen, perhaps with a coffee or can of pop in hand? While we might have lost something in being apart, it’s useful to ask, what have we gained, in terms of being carefully guided through services and rituals onscreen? The pace online is certainly slower, and no one is in danger of getting lost in the many pages of a physical Hebrew prayer book! What I’m saying is that you might be able to draw out some positives from worshipping during this extraordinary period. We wouldn’t like to have it this way any longer than necessary; but what have we learned, that we can take forward in our Jewish lives, in the coming year?
You might keep these questions in mind as we approach this year’s Zoom services. There will, of course, be the wonderful music that makes our congregation so unique. My own musical repertoire has grown hugely over the past year, as I’ve written and shared new compositions with you. My collection of “backing tracks” (so ably produced by our team of talented guitarists) has grown to nearly a hundred! While they are extremely useful for conducting online services, I hope that we will soon not need them! The music won’t be lost, though: I plan to introduce more instrumental accompaniment into our in-person worship, to enrich the soulful nature of prayer.
In addition to our usual run of High Holy Day services, I will be conducting a special Selichot service on Saturday 28 August, to get us in the mood for what is to come, and to help us prepare spiritually for the so-called “Days of Awe”. Some of these penitential reflections date back to the ninth century, and are found in the siddur of Rav Amram Gaon (the first sage to compile a complete liturgy for the synagogue).
Rosh Hashanah services begin on Labour Day at 4 pm. I hope that you will join us, and I hope (God willing) that in the year 5782 we can all be together again in person, to enjoy the community and fellowship that makes our congregation so special.
With love and best wishes for a Shana Tova from Cantor Leon
Dear congregants,
You might also be interested in listening to two of Leon’s Thoughts for the Day broadcasts on Jewish themes:
These short messages are broadcast by the BBC and our own Cantor Leon is a contributor. Check them out.
How to Machzor?
For the virtual services this year, the Machzor content will be provided online but i you prefer to follow the on-line service with the Lev Shalem Machzor open in front of you, Machzors can be borrowed before the High Holy Days and MUST be returned before the end of September. To borrow a Machzor, just let Ron ( know that you want one. We will arrange a common time for people to pick them up.
Mahzor Lev Shalem is the book that we use for the High Holy Day services. This is a very user-friendly Mahzor with English translations of all passages and prayers and transliterations of the prayers that are said aloud in Hebrew, so that everyone can participate. It also has symbols to indicate where we bow, when the cantor resumes, and choreography instructions, when we stand etc.
Have a look at a Mahzor example.
Kabbalat Shabbat Service:
Special Chanukah Edition — ONLINE
When: Friday, December 3rd. 7:25 p.m.
Ziysah von Bieberstein with Dan and Sam Houpt and the children of Beth Israel’s Kid’s Club will be leading a special Chanukah-themed Kabbalat Service. Ziysah and the kids will lead the first part of the service, play a Chanukah game, and then lead everyone all online participants will lighting our Chanukiahs together. After that, the kids are preparing something special to share.
The Kabbalat Shabbat service will continue including some Chanukah songs sung by Dan and Sam with musical accompaniment. Will they surprise us with mystery tunes and interpretations? Join the observances and fun.

Special Saturday Morning
Chanukah Service
Cantor Leon Litvack is planning to lead a Shabbat Chanukah Service on Saturday December 4th. This is the 7th day of Chanukah and the service will include Torah readings, Aliyot, Chanukah songs and a presentation by Cantor Litvack.
Leon always brings us an interesting, inspiring and very approachable service filled with good music and an opportunity to worship and to learn with fellow members of our community, so do mark this event on your calendars. As usual, Ron will be looking for English readers, so please let him know if you plan to attend (email to Having readers and Aliyot sorted out ahead of time leads to a smoother running service that all enjoy.
High Holy Days 5782
Shavuot Observances at Beth Israel — ONLINE
Date: Sunday May 16th, 2021
Time: 9:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Shavuot is a two-day holiday beginning at sundown on May 16th, and celebrates the gift of the Torah.
Please join Cantor Leon Litvack for a special two-hour event on Sunday May 16th at 10 AM, as we prepare for Shavuot.
In the tradition of Shavuot Leon will lead us in a discussion about this festival, including what our ancestors experienced as they gathered on Mount Sinai to receive the
Torah. Leon will also lead a discussion on the origins and traditions of studying the Torah. You will also have the opportunity to hear from other members of our community.
Lastly it wouldn’t be an event with Leon without wonderful music, in Hebrew, English and Yiddish, including some of his original compositions.
A Little More About Shavuot
The word Shavuot means “weeks.” It celebrates the completion of the seven-week Omer counting period between Passover and Shavuot. The Torah was given by God to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai on Shavuot more than 3,300 years ago. Every year on Shavuot we renew our acceptance of God’s gift of the Torah. The giving of the Torah was a far-reaching spiritual event—one that touched the essence of the Jewish soul for all times. Our sages have compared it to a wedding between God and the Jewish people. Shavuot also means “oaths,” for on this day God swore eternal devotion to us; we, in turn, pledged everlasting loyalty to God.
It is customary to stay up all night learning Torah on the first night of Shavuot.
It is also customary to eat dairy foods on Shavuot. Menus range from traditional cheese blintzes to quiches, casseroles and more. The Torah is likened to nourishing milk.
More information will be forthcoming so return often to the JCC website.
BIC Bridges Peterborough — ONLINE
Date: Thursday May 20th, 2021
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
An announcement from the Beth Israel Outreach and Events Committee:
Our committee recently hosted a presentation by Bridges Peterborough, an amazing local organization which is bringing people together at the grassroots level to address poverty in novel and very successful ways. We were so excited and impressed at this entirely “made-in-Peterborough” innovation, that we are now hosting another session (one-hour-long) for the rest of the Beth Israel congregation and for representatives of other faith groups in town. Please click on “EVENT DETAILS,” and make sure you register by going to the other link below:
You are invited to a Community Happy Hour
Join Bridges Peterborough and Guest Host Beth Israel Congregation to learn about how local people are bridging the gap between poverty and privilege –
and how you can be part of this social innovation.
When: Thursday, May 20, 2021
Time: 1 – 2 pm Eastern Time (US and Canada), via Zoom.
To learn more, click EVENT DETAILS
Click Here to Register Now
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Look forward to seeing you ‘there’!
Special Exodus Event — ONLINE
Now past: Slides of this talk fascinating presentation can be found here.
Date: Wednesday March 24th, 2021
Time: 7:00 p.m.
This is a special presentation on the archeology of the Exodus by Julian Hirsch. Here is an introduction to it by Julian:
Hello all. For those who don’t know me, my name is Julian Hirsch. I’m an archaeology student at Trent University where I specialize in Middle Eastern Late Prehistory with a deeper focus on the areas of Israel, the Palestinian Territories, and Jordan. In preparation for Passover, on March 24th at 7 pm, I’ll be leading a presentation and discussion for interested community members about the archaeology of Exodus. During the 30-minute presentation we’ll break down some myths, touch on some relevant facts from ancient Egyptian history, and trace some of the major theories held by archaeologists, historians, biblical scholars, and one prominent psychologist from over 100 years ago to the present. A 30-minute discussion and question and answer period will follow the presentation.
How so timely this presentation is as more discoveries of Dead Sea Scroll fragments have occurred recently. See this article.
This will be a Zoom event. The link will be the same as the one used for Friday services, so if you don’t have that link and want it please email to be sure you will receive it.
Beth Israel Community Passover — ONLINE
Date: Sunday March 28th, 2021
Time: 6:00 p.m.
It won’t be the same as seeing each other in person, but we are nonetheless quite excited to embark on our second ever online Seder.
We ask that you register BY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24th, so we can ensure we have the capacity for all. We will also be ‘seating’ guests at ‘tables’ so you will have times during the Seder when you can talk and interact with those at your table. The link to the Zoom call will be forwarded to you once we receive your registration. You may join by phone or internet.
Please click here to register.You are welcome to invite your friends and family.
The Seder will be led by Congregation President, Larry Gillman along with a number of others from our community. If there is a tradition or something you want to see at the Seder, please contact Larry via
The Scheinerman Haggadah and a songbook will also be distributed to registrants.
If you have questions about Zoom, please contact Ziysah at, and we can get you set up.
Passover Service including Yizkor — ONLINE
Date: Sunday April 4th, 2021
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Cantor Leon Litvack will be leading another one of his Zoom services during Pesach. He writes:
Dearest friends,
Pesach/Passover is such a special time for Jewish people: it’s the festival of freedom, and marks the foundation of Israel as a nation, united in a common purpose. We hope that this spring, we will be offered more freedom from the dreaded COVID, and that, with vaccinations, we can all look forward to a brighter future, when we can all meet again, in person!
I am planning a special service for the eighth day of Pesach, which falls on Sunday 4 April. In addition to our traditional Torah service, and a Haftarah which refers to the era of redemption (with its famous line ‘The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them’). We will also recite Yizkor (the memorial service for our departed loved ones). We will chant part of the Hallel, a special set of prayers composed of extracts from the book of Psalms, and we will sing some favourite pieces from the Seder, including Adir Hu, and a new arrangement that I am writing of Chad Gadyah (the one about the little goat).
There is a tradition on the eighth day of Pesach (originating in the time of the Ba’al Shem Tov) of eating a special meal called ‘Seudat ha-Mashiach’ (feat of the Messiah), which confirms the connection between Pesach, the festival of redemption, with the age of the Messiah, a time of universal peace. During the meal we drink four cups of wine (recalling the four cups of the Seder).
There will be much to enjoy on this special day; I look forward to seeing you then.
With love from Cantor Leon
Join us for Havdalah by the Radio!? – ONLINE
Greetings friends, family, community members and dear ones to be –
In the interest of enlivening ourselves, each-other & community, we invite you to gather with us Saturday nights in Adar (Feb 13-March 6)for Havdalah, shared listening and/or discussion of some inspiring and poignant episodes of the Jewish Ancestral Healing podcast (full details below).
For some of us, these Times feel like an invitation to Go Deep, to gently look at, be with, and heal some of the disconnection rampant in our society. And how better to do that than engage with the words of community leaders, in connection with our ancestors, together?!
See below for more details of each week’s theme. Pleaseclick here to registerfor one or all of the gatherings. Once you register, you will receive a link to join the Zoom session. You are welcome to join for any/ all parts of the session; we will meet at 6:30pm to listen to the podcast together, at 7:00pm to honour havdalah with blessings and ritual, and/or at 8:00pm for discussion.
We look forward to listening deep, journeying down some pretty cool rabbit holes, and working, together, towards tikkun olam,
—Miriam, Emily and Ziysah
with support from Beth Israel Congregation
Nogojiwanong (Peterborough)
Questions? Contact us at getinvolved@jccpeterborough.
Havdalah by the Radio Deets
These are abbreviated descriptions. For full write-ups, and to listen to other episodes, see: www.jewishancestralhealing.
Saturday, February 13
Noam Lerman – Reclaiming the Practice of Tkhines: Spontaneous Yiddish Prayer(35 min) 6:30 podcast, 7:30 Havdalah (blessings start at 7:40), 8:00 pm facilitated discussion.
Noam Lerman [they/m] reclaims the power and practice of tkhines ~ spontaneous Yiddish prayers. Noam shares the ways tkhines have been kept alive in their family and have been a home for women and gender-marginalized Ashkenazi Jews, as well as ways we can engage this practice of prayer from the heart today. For new tkhines songs, follow the SoundCloud, and check out Fol
Saturday, February 20
Rami Avraham Efal, Bearing Witness in Auschwitz-Birkenau (38 min) 6:30 podcast, 7:30 Havdalah (blessings start at 7:40), 8:00 pm facilitated discussion.
Rami Avraham is a dharma holder in the Zen Peacemakers Lineage, the former executive director of Zen Peacemakers International, and a student of Zen teacher Bernie Glassman. He brings us to bear witness in Auschwitz-Birkenau, unpacking the radical act of showing up to honor the unthinkable, and inviting us to find healing and transformation in ceremonial silence.
Saturday, February 27
Jo Kent Katz,Transcending Ashkenazi Trauma (47min) 6:30 podcast, 7:30 Havdalah (blessings start at 7:40), 8:00pm facilitated discussion.
Joanna Kent Katz is an intuitive healer, drama therapist, social justice educator, youth worker, Theater of the Oppressed practitioner, and rite of passage ritualist. She supports the building of individual and collective capacity to notice, name, and interrupt patterns of oppression. Here she shares her map for transcending Ashkenazi trauma, speaks to how legacies of intergenerational trauma impact the body, and to the possibility of unwinding these impacts toward healing: https://www.
Saturday, March 6
Arthur Waskow, Justice, God Everywhere & the Coming Transformation of Religion (1 hr.) 6:30 podcast, 7:30 Havdalah (blessings start at 7:40), 8:00 pm facilitated discussion.
Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Ph.D., founded and directs The Shalom Center. He is an honoured Peace activist, a pioneer in the theory and practice of Eco-Judaism and is deeply committed not only to renew Judaism internally but shaping a Judaism that could help transform the world. Here Reb Waskow shares intimate stories of his ancestors as the inspiration for his lifelong justice work, powerful racial, social and environmental justice movement history as it intersects with his own deepening on a Jewish spiritual path. His latest book is Dancing in God’s Earthquake: The Coming Transformation of Religion:
Annual General Meeting — ONLINE
Date: Wednesday, February 17th, 2021
Time: 7:00 p.m.
The AGM will give us an opportunity to meet and talk about the important work for the future of our community.
The subjects we will cover at the AGM include:
- Voting in the new Board;
- Financial Update;
- Community Update including Events and Cemetery Financials;
- Update on the Lift installation and the $100k government grant;
- Update on the Memorandum of Understanding with the Unitarian Fellowship;
- Opportunity to ask questions.
The nominees for the Board include:
- Larry Gillman – President
- Mark Siegel – Vice President
- Mike Fox – Treasurer
- Heather Pollock – Secretary
- Dana Capell
- Michael Rosen
- Dan Houpt
- Karen Fisher
All contributing community members are eligible to stand for election to the board. Therefore, if you are interested in becoming active on the executive board of the Beth Israel congregation, please contact Larry Gillman (contact info below) to initiate the process of standing for election.
Everyone in our community is invited to attend our AGM. However, please note that only Beth Israel members are eligible to vote. All community members will automatically receive the Zoom link a few days before the meeting. If you are not a contributing community member but would like to attend the meeting, please let us know by sending an email to This must happen before the meeting as unannounced participants will not be admitted during the meeting where confidential information may be shared with community members.
Should anyone want to discuss the meeting please contact Larry through the Beth Israel email address directly:
Beth Israel Purim Party — ONLINE
Date: Thursday, February 25th, 2021
Time: 7:00 p.m.
PURIM 2021 – Just because you have to stay home, doesn’t mean you can’t get dressed up….
You are invited to the Beth Israel Zoom Purim party which takes place on Thursday, February 25th at 7 pm. Our party features the Megillah reading (story of Esther) which will be simultaneously acted out by our very own “Beth Israel Theatre Group”. It promises to be a lot of fun, so dress up in costume, get out your noisemakers, have a fun beverage and get ready for a few laughs.
We are putting out a call for actors to play parts in the Megillah reading so if you would like to participate please contact Jenn Reid using the Beth Israel email address: email to . Everyone is encouraged to participate and the more the merrier. Below is a bit more information regarding the holiday of Purim.
Purim is one of the most fun holidays celebrated by the Jewish people, but is often under-recognized. Purim commemorates the day Esther, Queen of Persia, saved the Jewish people from execution by Haman, the advisor to the Persian king. Esther bravely exposed her previously hidden Jewish heritage to her husband the king and asked him to save her people, which he did.
Purim is a little bit of Mardi Gras, Easter, and Halloween all rolled into one. The holiday itself is known for a party atmosphere with big feasts where you can eat and get drunk (within reason, but it is encouraged). One of the beloved treats for Purim is hamantaschen: triangle-shaped cookie pastries with fruit or savory filling. The treat is said to look like Haman’s tri-cornered hat or his ears. Sweet hamantaschen are most popular with poppy seed, chocolate, date, apricot, or apple filling. Contact Jenn if you would like a delicious hamantaschen recipe.
On Purim, there are often carnivals, with revelers dressing up, dancing and having parades. Kids have tons of fun at these events, doing crafts, making Purim baskets, playing games and making noise-makers. Carnival attendees enjoy showing off their costumes; anything from Biblical characters like Moses or Esther and Haman to more traditionally secular costumes like you’d see at Halloween. We encourage everyone to dress up and join the fun.
During the synagogue service, the “megillah,” or scroll, of Esther is read aloud, telling the story of Esther and Haman. Because the book says Haman’s name was “blotted out,” everyone in the synagogue stamps their feet, yells, bang pots and pans, and heckles using “graggers” (ratchet noisemakers) every time evil Haman’s name is read in the story. Get your noisemakers ready because we will unmute everyone at the mention of Haman’s name!
Saturday, Dec. 12th, 2020
Special Chanukah Shabbat Services — ONLINE
When: Saturday, Dec 12th, 2020 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Dr. Leon Litvack, our beloved spiritual leader, is once going that extra mile for our community by planning an event for our community to celebrate Chanukah. This will be a morning service with Torah reading. Dan and Sam Houpt have been working with Leon to prepare musical accompaniments for various prayers. By now, most of you will be familiar with the format, text projected on the shared screen and Leon coming to us from his home in Belfast. During the High Holy Days, these services just got better and better with larger attendance and if you participate, you will know why, so don’t miss this chance to join with your fellow community members in observing Shabbat and Chanukah in these special times in our own special way.
Please contact Ron at or Ziysah at getinvolved@jccpeterborough.
Saturday, May 30th, 2020
Special Shavuot Shabbat Service — ONLINE
When: Saturday, May 30th, 2020 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
- Torah Reading for the second day of Shavuot (with the full seven aliyot). We are particularly short of Kohanim, so if you are a Kohayn and would like to have the Kohayn Aliyah, please let us know;
- Yizkor – The second day of Shavuot is one of the four times during the Jewish calendar when Yizkor, the memorial service for the departed is recited. If you would like to honour the memory of particular persons on Yizkor, please try to find their Hebrew names or failing that, their English names and to have these ready before the service. The plan is to have a period of silent contemplation accompanied by appropriate background during the observance of Yizkor and in this period, participants will be asked to memorialize the names of loved ones using the Chat function of Zoom. So, please be ready with the names.
- Reading of the Book of Ruth with commentary by community members. In a community such as ours where we have so many mixed marriages and mixed couples, the Book of Ruth holds special meaning and relevance to many. This year, we will have the opportunity to read it all together, even if we are physically separated.
Saturday, April 25th, 2020
Schacharit Services — ONLINE
When: Saturday, April 25th, 2020 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Saturday, April 18th, 2020
Abraham Festival Event — ONLINE
When: Saturday, April 18th, 2020 2:00 p.m. – 4:000 p.m.
Peace, Shalom, and Salaam to the Peterborough Community!
Hope all of you are keeping safe and healthy in self-isolation.
In this time of reflection, the Abraham Festival is presenting an online message; “Our Faiths Teach Us to Look After Each Other”. To lead us in this message of comfort and oneness, the Abraham Festival and Leaders from the Jewish, Christian and Islamic Faiths are coming together LIVE on Zoom this Saturday, April 18th at 2:15 pm.
Each of the three Faith Leaders will share a reading from their own scripture and will discuss how each other’s readings give them comfort and wisdom in looking after family, friends and those in need in our communities.
Our Service Co-leaders will be:
Imam Habeeb Alli,
United Church Ministers Rev. Julie Haaften & Rev. Jessica Beecham Stockton, and
Dr. Daniel Houpt from Beth Israel Synagogue.
To register for this Interfaith event please go to the link below:
After you register, we will email you instructions on how to log in to the Zoom link. We’ll send this out by Friday April 17th.
Please note that there are limited spots available, and the link will be provided to the first 100 people who have registered.
Thank you. See you on the 18th!
The Abraham Festival Committee
Friday, April 17th, May 1st, May 8th, May 15th, 2020
Kabbalat Shabbat — ONLINE
When: Friday, April 17th, May 1st, May 8th, May 15th, 2020 5:45 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
- wish to attend and require the Zoom connection details;
- would like to do an English reading; and/or,
- wish to receive a copy of the service in pdf.
Thursday, April 9th, 2020
Annual Community Passover Seder — ONLINE
When: Thursday, April 9th, 2020 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
It won’t be the same as seeing each other in person, but we are nonetheless quite excited to embark on our first ever online seder.
We ask that you register BY FRIDAY, APRIL 3 so we can ensure we have the capacity for all. We will also be ‘seating’ guests at ‘tables’ so you will have times during the seder when you can talk and interact with those at your table. The link to the Zoom call will be forwarded to you once we receive your registration. You may join by phone or internet.
Please click here to register. You are welcome to invite your friends and family.
The seder will be led by Congregation President, Larry Gillman along with Dr. Dan and Karen Fisher. Click here for the Haggaddah. If you cannot access the pdf, please let us know.
If you have questions about Zoom, please contact Ziysah at, and we can get you set up.
If you want to conduct your own Seder at home, here is what you will need. If you just want to follow the service virtually without conducting your own Seder, that is fine too!
- If you don’t own a Seder plate, use any large plate that you have and place the following items on it;
- Baked egg
- Bitter herb typically horseradish
- Charoses (mixture of a chopped apple, chopped nuts, cinnamon, and wine or grape juice)
- Green vegetable typically parsley but use any vegetables you have in these times
- Roast Shank Bone or Passover Yam (not lamb) but use what vegetable you have on hand
- 3 matzo (if you don’t have a matzo cover use a tea towel and stack them inside)
- Bowl of salt water (the saltier, the better you can relive the Passover story)
- Grape Juice or wine (again in these times use what you have)
- A wine cup for Elijah the prophet
- A pitcher of water, bowl to pour the water from the pitcher into, and towel to dry hands
Finally, want to lighten up your seder a bit? Enjoy:
The 4 Questions:
Wishing you all HAG PESACH SAMEACH
Stay safe and healthy and don’t forget Urhatz, wash your hands.
If you have fun and unique Passover traditions that you want to share, let us know.
Jenn Reid is coordinating this event. Please contact Jenn at
We Hope You Will Be Able to Join Us at The Seder!
Saturday, April 4th, 2020
Meditative Schacharit Services — ONLINE
When: Saturday, April 4th, 2020 10:00 a.m.
Friday, April 3rd, 2020
Kabbalat Shabbat — ONLINE
When: Friday, April 3rd, 2020 5:30 pm
- wish to attend and require the Zoom connection details;
- would like to do an English reading; and/or,
- wish to receive a copy of the service in pdf.
If you know of someone who might like to participate, be they in Douro or in Denver, just forward this link to them.
Friday, March 20th, 2020
Virtual – Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, March 20th, 2020 5:30 pm
We hope you are all doing well in these turbulent times. Looking forward to connecting in this way on Friday, and offering some balm for the anxieties and isolation of this moment.
Saturday, March 7th, 2020
Purim Potluck and Party
When: Saturday, March 7th, 2020 4:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
The kids had so much fun acting out (and embellishing) the Purim story this past weekend that we thought it would be great do it with a bigger audience. In addition, many of us adults are excited to dress up and to party into the night!
Friday, February 14th, 2020
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, February 14th, 2020 6:00 pm
Where: Riverview Manor, 1155 River Road
Join your fellow congregants at Riverview Manor, 1155 River Road (across from and just a little south of the zoo) for a Kaballat Shabbat. Long-time active community member, Ken Greenberg, is a resident here, but it is now difficult for him to get out, so the idea was to bring the celebration to him, rather than him to the celebration. There will not be a potluck this after this Friday service.
Tuesday, February 11th, 2020
Special General Meeting
When: Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 7:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Our community is remarkably resilient. We are indeed blessed to have a Synagogue in Peterborough as the center of Jewish life in our region. Having a shul cannot be taken for granted as it takes a lot of hard work to keep the doors open. We usually have an Annual General Meeting in the Spring to update the community and vote in the new Board. There are so many new positive developments that the Board decided it could not wait until then. We will hold a Special General Meeting at the Synagogue on Tuesday February 11th at 7 pm. Come out and be part of the discussion.
Community Finances
Cemetery Policy
Approval of New Voting Board Member
Enhanced Accessibility Discussion
Collaboration between Beth Israel and Unitarian Fellowship
NOTE: An Absentee Ballot has been sent to all members.
Sunday, February 9th, 2020
Tu B’Shevat Seder
(New Year for Trees)
When: Sunday, February 9th, 2020 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 pm
Where: Camp Kawartha Environment Centre
- Action – (relationships with land and place)
- Formation – (relationships with community)
- Thought – (relationships with the world)
- Spirit – (relationships with spirituality)

Friday, January 24th, 2020
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, January 24th, 2020 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Dr. Dan Houpt leads the services in what has become “The Peterborough Style”. Don’t know what that is? It’s time you found out by joining your fellow congregants.
Following the service, there will be a kosher style potluck supper. The organizers will need to know who is coming and what they would like to bring so please, PLEASE, PLEASE RSVP by emailing with the names of the people who will attend and what you would like to contribute for the potluck. If you are unsure about what foods are permitted, just send an email to and we’ll send you a copy of the guidelines.
We hope that you can make this date and help to keep religious activities alive in our community.
Sunday, December 22nd, 2019
Chanukah 5780
When: Sunday, December 22nd, 6:00 p.m.
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Join fellow Beth Israel Community members in lighting the first candle of this ever-popular holiday.
- Bring your family and friends.
- Bring your Chanukiah to light the candle. Sing Maoz Zur. Remember the miracle of the oil and enjoy something greasy (latkes or donuts). Commemorate the fight for freedom that the Maccabees undertook.
- Bring your dreidel and play for beans, (sadly no more pennies).
NEED CANDLES: Chanukah candles are for sale! $3-$10 sliding scale per box of 44 as a fundraiser for Beth Israel Synagogue. They are available at the synagogue, or by delivery where needed.
Please email Ziysah if you wish to reserve candles and to RSVP for the Chanukah party at getinvolved@jccpeterborough.
Chanukah 5780 (2019)
Another Chanukah, another wonderful party with much good food and many good friends.
Let the slide show below show you what fun we all had!!
Many thanks to the volunteers who made this joyous event happen!
Saturday, December 14th, 2019
Collective Latke Fry
When: Saturday, December 14th, 2019 10:00 am until done
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Friday, December 13th, 2019
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, December 13th, 2019 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Dr. Dan Houpt leads the services in what has become “The Peterborough Style”. Don’t know what that is? It’s time you found out by joining your fellow congregants.
Following the service, there will be a kosher style potluck supper. The organizers will need to know who is coming and what they would like to bring so please, PLEASE, PLEASE RSVP by emailing with the names of the people who will attend and what you would like to contribute for the potluck. If you are unsure about what foods are permitted, just send an email to and we’ll send you a copy of the guidelines.
We hope that you can make this date and help to keep religious activities alive in our community.
Sunday, December 8th, 2019
Lirit Women’s Chamber Choir Concert
When: Sunday, December 8th, 2019 2:30 p.m.
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
It was with great pleasure, that many of us were able to enjoy the concert given by the Lirit Women’s Chamber Choir last year. The choir specializes in Jewish music, but their repertoire is much broader than that and they will move you with their melodies and harmonies. This is an event that you should not miss, a unique opportunity to hear a great choir in a space with excellent acoustics, our own Beth Israel synagogue. After the concert, join choir members and other guests for refreshments and a chance to mingle with the singers and find out more about their passion for music. Be sure to come out and you won’t regret it. Interested in learning more about Lirit. Check out their web page here:
Saturday, November 30th
Abraham Festival Welcome Dance
For Syrian New Comers
When: Saturday, November 30th 5:00 pm – 10:00 p.m.
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
We hope you will join the Abraham Festival committee and friends as we welcome our latest sponsored Syrian family to Peterborough!
Many of you helped out when our first sponsored family (Fadya and her three children) arrived almost 4 years ago – please join us to welcome Fadya’s sister, her sister’s husband and their two daughters.
We are very grateful to all who have helped in any way to help them get settled, and we would love to see you all on Saturday 30th November at 5 p.m. at the Beth Israel Synagogue on Weller St.
Vegetarian potluck, DJ music and dance (or you can just sit and tap your feet or clap your hands!)
Friday, November 22nd/ December 12th, 2019
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, November 22nd and December 13th, 2019 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Yes, after all those innovative and different tunes that Cantor Litvack introduced us to during the High Holy Days observances this year, we know that you are all rarin’ to go with our monthly Kaballat Shabbat service and Potluck. And, Dr. Dan Houpt is rarin’ to go and lead those services in what has become “The Peterborough Style”. Don’t know what that is? It’s time you found out by joining your fellow congregants on these dates: Friday, November 22, 2019 Friday, December 13, 2019 both dates at 6:30 pm in the synagogue.
Following the service, there will be a kosher style potluck supper. The organizers will need to know who is coming and what they would like to bring so please, PLEASE, PLEASE RSVP by emailing with the names of the people who will attend and what you would like to contribute for the potluck. If you are unsure about what foods are permitted, just send an email to and we’ll send you a copy of the guidelines.
We hope that you can make this date and help to keep religious activities alive in our community.
Friday, November 12th, 2019
Jewish Soldiers in WWII Presentation
When: Tuesday, November 12th 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:30)
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
The day after Remembrance Day, please mark your calendars for an evening of learning and discussion about local and national Jewish history when we will have the honour and privilege of hosting Professor Ellin Bessner of Centennial College. She comes to the Beth Israel community to talk about Jewish war veterans in Canada and their important role in defeating Adolf Hitler’s regime and in rescuing Holocaust survivors.
Prof. Bessner is the author of “Double Threat: Canadian Jews, the Military, and World War II”, published in 2018 by University of Toronto Press. As the world prepares to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Canadian author and journalist Ellin Bessner presents the untold stories of how and why Canada’s Jewish community sent 17,000 men and women in uniform to defeat Hitler and the Axis in the Second World War. These brave Jewish Canadian fighters faced widespread antisemitism both at home and on the battlefield, plus grave personal danger, should they fall into enemy hands and their Jewish religion be discovered. Prof. Bessner will also highlight the stories of Peterborough Jewish veterans and there are indeed some very interesting stories to be told so don’t miss this event. The Peterborough Examiner has written about this upcoming event and about Dr. Bessner and you can find the article at this link:
You can also find out about her book at her website: and . Copies will be on sale on the evening of the presentation and the author will be signing them so don’t forget to get yours.
If you are a Facebook person, check out the Facebook posting on the Nov. 12 event here:
And finally if you listen to CHEX on the morning of November 12 at 7:20 am, catch Teresa Kaszuba’s interview segment with Ellin Bessner.
High Holy Days 5780/September 2019
Schedule and details are now available. Find the details at our Religious Observances page.
Friday, August 9th, 2019
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, August 9th, 2019 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
More than just the usual special event this Kabbalat Shabbat. Members of three Jewish U19 Women’s Lacrosse Teams from Israel and USA, participating in the World Championship in Peterborough are expected to bless our humble Shul with their attendance on this Kabbalat Shabbat.
Beth Israel is pleased and honoured to be hosting these teams for a Friday night Kaballat Shabbat and Meal on August 9. Come and join the teams and their families for this once-in-a-lifetime event, right here in Peterborough. As usual, the service will be led by Dr. Dan Houpt as we spread the word about the Peterborough Kaballat Shabbat to an international audience.
After the services, there will be a catered meal, catered because some of our guests keep kosher. Beth Israel Community members are encouraged to participate in the service and to join the guests for the meal following. Remember, this is NOT A POTLUCK. Please note that a donation box will be available to help offset the cost to our Jewish community.
Because the meal is being catered, it is essential that community members who want to take part in the meal, RSVP before August 4, 2019 with the following information:
– number of adults and teens, and names
– number of kids under 12 and names
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
Thursday, June 20th, 2019
AbeFest Spring Film: ‘Inside My Heart’
World Refugee Day
When: Thursday, June 20th 2019 7:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Thursday 20th June is World Refugee Day. In celebration of this day, the Abraham Festival is proud to present at Beth Israel at 7 pm
Inside My Heart
A documentary film by Canadian Director Debra Kellner, produced by Frank Giustra, Serge Lalou, and Richard Copans. Inside My Heart chronicles the plight of three refugee families fleeing their war torn countries over a period of nearly 3 years. Despite having lost everything and their harrowing stories about the atrocities of war, each family continues their fight to stay alive. Unable to return to their countries without the risk of being killed, today they are forced to live with the consequences of their broken dreams.
Donations of Money: appreciated – will be given to the NCC for their work with Refugee families
Friday, June 14th, 2019
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, June 14th 2019 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Includes a Community potluck. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. Please adhere to the Potluck Rules.
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
Tuesday, June 4th, 2019
Annual General Meeting
When: Tuesday, June 4th 2019 7:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
As always it is an opportunity to meet with fellow congregants, and to discuss topics that are critical to the well-being of our community.
The following is the agenda for this year’s meeting.
- State of the Union of developments and issues facing our community
- Election of the Board for the upcoming year
- 2018 Financial report
- Cemetery Update
- Unitarian Update
Please contact me at at any time should you have any questions, and I look forward to seeing everyone on June 4th.
Larry (President of Beth Israel Synagogue)
Friday, May 17th, 2019
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, May 17th 2019 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Includes a Community potluck. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. Please adhere to the Potluck Rules.
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
Sunday, April 28th, 2019
The Abraham Festival: Through Three Faiths
When: Sunday, April 28th 2019 2:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (doors open at 1:45 p.m.)
Where: The Mount Community Centre
Join the Peterborough Community for the 16th Annual Abraham Festival event extraordinaire! Details are provided below. Click on a poster graphic below to enlarge it. For more details click this link. Or contact:
Saturday, April 20th, 2019
Pesach Community Seder
When: Saturday, April 20th 2019 6:00 p.m. (sharp)
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Registration deadline: April 5th, 2019 . Click here for form.
We are pleased to announce our annual Community Passover Seder which will take place on Saturday April 20th where we plan to celebrate the second seder of Pesach together as a community You, your family and your guests are all invited to attend. We will once again cater a delicious meal. Doors will open at 5:30 pm so come early, socialize with your fellow congregants and find a table you want to sit at.
This is not a potluck. Food will be catered. There will be a cleanup crew so no need to volunteer for that. Stay in your seat right until the end and enjoy the singing your Pesach favourites that end the Seder. Many of you have fun and unique Passover traditions, that you may want incorporated into our Seder. We would like to honour any requests to make the Seder more meaningful and enjoyable to you. Jenn Reid has kindly volunteered to coordinate this event and if you have any input or questions, concerns about the menu or whatever, please contact her at:
• Vegetable soup with Matzoh Balls
• Salad
• Baked Salmon
• Vegetable side dishes
• Dessert
Please bring your own Kosher Wine. Juice will be provided.
The cutoff date for registration is April 5th 2019 so please let us know as soon as possible. YOU MUST Pre-register, (and pre-pay if possible) using the form. Click HERE for form or simply by sending an email with details of who is coming back to There will be no admission at the door for people who have not pre-registered.
Payment by mail before April 5th is appreciated. Please see form for details. After April 5th, payment is at the door. If the cost is an issue please contact Larry Gillman on a confidential basis. We want everyone to attend, and money should not be an issue! Please contact Larry through
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019
International Autism Awareness Day:
A Father’s Perspective on Schooling a Son with Autism
When: Tuesday, April 2nd 2019 7:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Beth Israel Synagogue’s General Manager, Joe Teichman is going to provide insights on his family’s experiences with autism. See the poster below for details, or download poster here.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Friday, March 29th, 2019
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, March 29th 2019 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Includes a Community potluck. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. Please adhere to the Potluck Rules.
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
Saturday February 9th, 2019
Many Windows, One Light 2019:
Towards a Caring and Welcoming Community
When: Saturday, February 9th, 2019 13:00 a.m. – 18:30 a.m.
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
On February 9 at The Mount Community Centre, the Beth Israel Congregation is a partner in presenting an inspired afternoon of participatory dialogue and story sharing on the best local, proactive responses to hate.
The goal is to discover synergies and next steps among activists, community leaders and groups doing work on these issues.
This event is created by a community coalition of faith and non-faith groups we co-founded in 2017, and sponsored by partners including the Unitarian Fellowship of Peterborough, the Community Race Relations Committee and the Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough and Beth Israel Congregation.
The event will include: An opening “provocateur” presentation by our guest speaker, Dr. Bernie Farber. Bernie is one of Canada’s leading experts on human rights and race relations, a longtime leader of the Canadian Jewish Congress, and chair of the Canadian AntiHate Network. (Includes Q&A.)
And then: Artfully hosted participatory dialogue to discover possibilities, partnerships and next steps. Our lead host is Ben Wolfe, a local and national community-builder and Art of Hosting practitioner. The Creating Space art hive will be there with artmaking supplies. We’ll finish with a potluck dinner with all participants. This event is free to attend — but come prepared to participate deeply. Space is limited, registration required.
Register now at EventBrite:
Details in Brief MANY WINDOWS, ONE LIGHT 2019 February 9, 2019, The Mount Community Centre, 1 pm to 6:30 pm, including a potluck dinner VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – CAN YOU HELP??? Setup, Cleanup, Registration – contact Ralph Gutkin at
Message from BIS President Larry Gillman
Hate crimes and anti-semitism are growing both here in Canada and around the world. With this in mind Beth Israel is a co-sponsor of an event on February 9th (more details in this newsletter) at The Mount Community Center, which will focus on hate and our collective response. The keynote speaker is Bernie Farber the former Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Jewish Congress, a very sought-after speaker on the subject. A profile of Bernie is below.
Please note that registration is limited to 150 people, and that 30 people have already registered. Please hit the link below and register as this event will hit 150 people.
Join in an inspired afternoon of participatory community dialogue and connection that will share deep stories of the best local, proactive responses to hate, and then discover synergies and next steps among activists, community leaders and groups doing existing work on these issues.
This event is created by a community coalition of 14 faith and non-faith groups, and sponsored by partners including the Community Race Relations Committee, the Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough, the Unitarian Fellowship of Peterborough and the Beth Israel Congregation.
Our time together will include: A context-setting “provocateur” presentation by our guest speaker, Bernie Farber. Bernie is one of Canada’s leading experts on human rights and race relations, and chair of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. (Includes Q&A.) (
For tickets:
Friday, January 25th, 2019
Friday, March 1st, 2019
Friday, March 29th, 2019
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, January 25th, March 1st, March 29th 2019 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Includes a Community potluck. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. Please adhere to the Potluck Rules.
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
Saturday January 19th, 2019
Monthly Children’s Program Begins
When: Saturday, January 19th, 2019 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m.
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
The first meeting of the BIS kids program will take place Saturday, January 19 from 10 am-noon, and will feature learning about the holiday of Tubishvat.
This monthly get-together will be a chance for children and families to share space, learn about Jewish culture and holidays, sing songs, and also learn a bit of Hebrew. All are welcome to contribute ideas and teaching at future gatherings.
All Jewish children and their caregivers are welcome. The program is geared to all children under bar/t mitzvah age.
Please contact Ziysah or Corinne at if you have questions or ideas or would like to help out in some way.
The success of this initiative depends on you. We saw clearly at the Chanukah celebrations that once again (and for the first time in many years), we have in the Peterborough area a good number of young Jewish children or children with Jewish family connections. What a great way to get together with families like yours, for adults to meet and for kids to get to know each other and participate together in fun learning activities. Mark you calendar and be there with your kids – grandparents welcome. Support this very worthwhile initiative.
Sunday, January 13th, 2019
An Invitation from our Unitarian Fellowship Friends
When: Sunday, January 13th, 2019 10 :00 a.m.
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Hello friends,
In our ongoing efforts to share and to get to know one another, a ‘choir’ has formed. That group sang at one of your Shabbat services last year, and are singing at UFP’s service this coming Sunday.
We heartily invite all BIS folks to join us on Sunday. The theme we’re working with is “Perseverance” and on this Sunday, we’re focusing on the question of “where we are going” in our future with BIC. It was specifically requested by some BIS folks that this be a rather ‘typical’ UFP service, so that y’all could experience who we are and what we do on Sundays.
So, I hope that many will join us. Our service begins at 10 am and we’re out of here (including coffee time) by 11:45/noon.
Can you spread the word? Here’s a link to our webpage:
Friday, December 7th, 2018
Kabbalat Shabbat and Hanukkah Party
When: Friday, December 7th, 2018 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Includes a Community potluck. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
The community will also be holding its Chanukah party on this evening after the service, so put and especially big Star of David on your calendar for this date. Details will follow in upcoming newsletters.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. Please adhere to the Potluck Rules.
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
Friday, November 16th, 2018
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, November 16th, 2018 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Includes a Community potluck. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. Please adhere to the Potluck Rules.
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
Saturday, November 10th, 2018
Lirit Women’s Chamber Choir Concert
When: Saturday, November 10th, 2018 7:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Mark Saturday November 10 as a very special date on your calendar for a unique evening of Jewish song. The Lirit Women’s Chamber Choir will be performing in Peterborough that Saturday evening at 7 pm in the Beth Israel synagogue. The evening program will be as follows:
- Introductory performance by string duo of Joy Simmons (on cello) and Siannon
Plaatjes (on violin/viola), - Short intermission,
- Performance by the Lirit Women’s Chamber Choir.
- Reception for all guests and participants in the synagogue foyer. Admission is Free. Parking is also Free in the synagogue lot.
Who are Lirit? (from their website) Founded by soprano and conductor, Renée Bouthot, Lirit Women’s Chamber Choir is a Toronto-based group of experienced choral singers. They are committed to exploring the joy and vast range of Jewish music, whether through Jewish texts, themes or composers. To learn more about Lirit and their music, check out their website at
And don’t forget to tell your friends about this special event. All are welcome.
Friday, November 9th, 2018
BIS & UFP Refugee Sponsorship Event
When: Friday, November 9th, 2018 7:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
The Refugee Sponsorship Committee of the Unitarian Fellowship will be screening a beautifly animated full length feature “The Breadwinner” on Nov.9 at 7 pm downstairs at the Beth Israel Synagogue/UnitarianFellowship. It is the story of an eleven year old girl growing up under the Taliban in Afghanistan. Following the film there will be a Q and A with Mahsa Mohseni, an insightful young Afghan woman who now lives in Peterborough. She will talk about traditional Afghan culture and its impact on young Afghans. All proceeds support the Refugee Sponsorship Fund of the Unitarian Fellowship so pay what you can. The film is rated PG13. Navigation of the stairs will be necessary for this event. Free parking is available in the synagogue’s parking lot.
Thursday, November 8th, 2018
Holocaust Education Week – Max Eisen at Trent University
When: Thursday, November 8th, 2018 7:30 pm
Where: Wenjack Theatre, Otanabee College at Trent University
Many of you will have attended the talk that Holocaust survivor Dr. Max Eisen gave at Beth Israel synagogue a few years ago. This year, Holocaust Education week will take place from November 1 to November 8. As part of that week of education and observances around the Holocaust, we are very pleased to let you know that Max Eisen will be returning to Peterborough to talk about his experiences and the lessons of the Holocaust, something that he has done for generations of young people of all faiths and continues to do with eloquence and dignity to this day. Max will be speaking Thursday November 8th at 7:30 pm in the Lady Eaton College dining hall at Trent University. All community members are invited to join Max and
to show their support for the valuable work that he does with unflagging energy.
See and listen to Max Eisen’s presentation at Trent University’s convocation accepting an honorary degree. Click here.
Events on behalf and in honour of the Tree of Life Synagogue victims.
Friday, November 2nd, 2018
Kabbalat Shabbat:
A Time of Prayer and Healing following the Tree of Life Synagogue Tragedy
When: Friday, November 2nd, 2018 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Please read this special invitation from Larry Gillman:
We all have been deeply impacted by the tragic events this week at the Tree Of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Eleven Jews were murdered in an act of hate while praying on Shabbat. There has been an outpouring of grief from Jews and Non-Jews both here in Peterborough, and across the world. At tonight’s Vigil to the victims in downtown Peterborough, 150 to 200 people gathered to reflect. Members of our community, including Ziysah and myself, spoke at this event and were also included on a CBC call-in program, which you can listen to here:
Many in our community have expressed the need to come together to grieve and process this horrific act. We will do so this Friday evening at Beth Israel. We have also invited our friends from the Unitarian Fellowship, many who attended the vigil today. The following are the details of the Shabbat service.
Services begin at 6 pm sharp, and will be led by Dr. Dan Houpt.
Everyone is invited to read a prayer, a poem, or say express what is on their minds. There is no need to reply now, as everyone will have the opportunity to express themselves at the service. This will be a very special and non-traditional Beth Israel service, to honor the Tree Of Life Victims.
The Abraham Festival committee has agreed to provide a modest Shabbat meal following the service. There is no need to reply with numbers as we normally do.
Should anyone have questions please contact Larry at
Thursday, November 1st, 2018
Candle Lighting and Tribute at Trent University
Friday, October 26th, 2018
Kabbalat Shabbat with Unigog Choir
When: Friday, October 26th, 2018 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Includes a Community potluck. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
For those of you who don’t know, at a visioning exercise held some months ago,between our Beth Israel community and the Unitarian Fellowship, one of the areas identified for action was the development of joint and shared programs between the two communities. The Unigogue Choir brings together people from both communities who like to sing. Their repertoire includes songs from our tradition as well as songs that the Fellowship uses in their services.
Please do join us for this special Kabbalat Shabbat.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. Please adhere to the Potluck Rules.
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
High Holy Days – 5779 (2018):
We hope that everyone is enjoying the summer weather with family and friends. But, there is one thing to look forward to as summer draws to a close and that will be the visit of Cantor Leon Litvack to lead us through the observances for High Holy Days for the year 5779. As he has in the past, Cantor Litvack will make the services something that will have meaning for all and that will be open to all to participate in and enjoy. This year again he has provided us with a specific theme for Spiritual Reflection to be discussed on Yom Kippur afternoon. Download a pdf or Word doc version to complete your spiritual reflection in advance and that can be shared.
Set these dates aside:
September 9, 2018, Sunday – Erev Rosh Hashanah I evening …7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Followed by Kiddush, and sweet treats (apples, honey and honey cake) in the shul
September 10, 2018, Monday – Rosh Hashanah I morning…9:30 am to 1:00 pm
Shacharit / Torah / Musaf / Shofar blowing (Kohanim – please make sure you are there by 10:15 am)
Following end of services, Tashlich at Jackson Creek where it crosses Bonaccord St. (a 10 min walk from the shul)
September 10, 2018, Monday – Rosh Hashanah I afternoon… 4:00 pm onwards
Special Minchah Service.
Cantor Leon will lead us in a Minchah (afternoon) Service, focussing on a specific theme which will then be followed by a potluck at the Houpt Farm. Maps available on request. Wear comfortable clothes and for kids, fields of space to romp around in.
Please NOTE – this is a dairy potluck as we usually have in the synagogue.
Please RSVP to with details of who is coming (names), how
many adults, how many kids (12 and under) and what food you are bringing for the potluck. WE NEED THIS INFORMATION BEFORE SUNDAY SEPT. 9.
September 11, 2018, Tuesday – Rosh Hashanah II morning…9:30 am to 10:30 pm
Meditiative Shacharit – 9:30 am to 10:30 am
(Please note that you must be there on time: latecomers cannot be admitted
until the service has ended).
(Kohanim – please make sure you are there by 10:20 am)
September 11, 2018, Tuesday – Rosh Hashanah II morning…10:30 am to 1:00 pm
Torah / Musaf / Shofar blowing.
(Kohanim – please make sure you are there by 10:20 am)
September 18, 2018, Tuesday – Erev Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre)… 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
September 19, 2018, Wednesday – Yom Kippur…9:30 pm to 1:00 pm
Shacharit, Torah, Yizkor at about 11:30 am, Musaf
(Kohanim – please make sure you are there by 10:20 am)
September 19, 2018, Wednesday – Yom Kippur…4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Spiritual Reflection Discussion. Homework needs to be done and submitted to Cantor Litvack beforehand!
September 19, 2018, Wednesday – Yom Kippur…6:00 pm to 7:40 pm
Ne’ilah Service / Havdalah
Followed by communal breaking of the fast potluck dinner.
PLEASE RSVP to with details of who is coming (names),
number of adults, number of kids (12 and under), what food you are bringing
and whether you can help with cleanup.
To complete the list of religious holidays that follow Yom Kippur:
September 23, 2018, Sunday – Erev Sukkoth
September 29, 2018, Saturday – Last day of Sukkoth
September 30, 2018, Sunday – Hoshanah Rabah
October 1, 2018, Monday – Shemini Atzeret
October 2, 2018, Tuesday – Simchat Torah
Watch for more details about the schedule and services’ content on the Religious Observances web page.
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Second UFP-BIS Singing Together
1:30 – 3:30 at BIS
As you may already know, the Beth Israel community and the Unitarian Fellowship, sharing as we
do, Beth Israel Synagogue, are looking for ways in which the two communities can do more
together to strengthen our already successful and unique relationship. To that end, there is a new
Facebook page, “Two Faiths, One Home” on which you can find information about shared events
and initiatives. Check it out here:
Friday, August 10, 2018
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, August 10, 2018 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Please mark the dates in your calendar and come out to support these events. As usual, Dr. Dan Houpt will be leading services. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. Please adhere to the Potluck Rules.
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
“Improv Comedy” at Peterborough PULSE
July 21, 2018
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The joint Beth Israel Synagogue/Unitarian Fellowship of Peterborough “Fun Fair” committee has started to plan fun events for our congregations. To start, we’ve reserved a spot in our city’s Open Streets event. For one summer day, George Street transforms into a vibrant car-free corridor filled with families pushing strollers, cyclists and roller-skaters. The whole city is invited to walk, bike, dance, play and socialize! And we’ll be there…promoting our two communities and making ourselves visible! Mike Davidson, a UFP member, teaches improve comedy at Fleming College and will be coordinating some funny-ness with members of the community passing by.
Volunteers are needed to help staff the booth where interactive games and the improv will be happening. Signup for a 2-hour shift or more (9am to 4pm) by contacting Mike Davidson at
Friday, June 22, 2018
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, June 22, 2018 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Please mark the dates in your calendar and come out to support these events. As usual, Dr. Dan Houpt will be leading services. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. Please adhere to the Potluck Rules.
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
Wednesday June 13, 2018
Beth Israel Synagogue’s
Annual General Meeting
When: Wednesday, June 13, 2018, 7:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Please mark this important date in the calendar and plan to attend. The agenda includes:
- Election of New Board
- 2018 Financials
- Unitarian Update
- Building Update
- High Holiday Update
Friday, May 25, 2018
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, May 25, 2018 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Please mark the dates in your calendar and come out to support these events. As usual, Dr. Dan Houpt will be leading services. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. Please adhere to the Potluck Rules.
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Two Faiths, A Home, A Shared Future
When: Saturday, May 12, 2018, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
What if Peterborough’s Jewish and Unitarian
congregations could grow in friendship…
creating a shared sense
of belonging and ownership?
You are invited to attend an artfully hosted community conversation at the
Synagogue/Fellowship in the downstairs community room.
This gathering is informed and inspired by ongoing explorations between our communities,
such as revitalizing the courtyard and alternative management/ ownership arrangements.
We’ll have a GREAT LUNCH (including dairy and gluten-free options) TOGETHER!
$5 donation is encouraged but not required.
At your request, we’ll make arrangements for childcare staff to be present to play
games with your children and youth (indoor & outdoor dependent on the weather.)
Differences, doubts and reservations are welcome!
Let’s discover what we are afraid of, what we long for, and what next steps we could try.
To help us plan for lunch and childcare, please RSVP by May 8 to Elaine at:
705-741-0968 or office @
Friday, April 27, 2018
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, April 27, 2018 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Please mark the dates in your calendar and come out to support these events. As usual, Dr. Dan Houpt will be leading services. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. Please adhere to the Potluck Rules.
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Abraham Festival Event
When: Saturday, April 21, 2018 4:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Where: The Mount Community Centre. See the poster below
Many thanks to Dr. Dan for being the Beth Israel representative at the Abraham Festival happening.
Saturday, March 31
Community Seder at Beth Israel Synagogue
Register by March 16!
We are pleased to announce our annual Community Passover Seder which will take place on Saturday March 31st, the second night of Pesach.
You, your family and your guests are all invited to attend.
The Seder will begin at 6:00 pm sharp, immediately after Havdalah!! Doors open at 5:30 pm.
If you wish to have your fun and unique Passover traditions added to the Seder please contact:
Larry Gillman c/o of .
We will once again cater a delicious meal.
• Vegetable soup with Matzoh Balls
• Salad
• Baked Salmon
• Vegetable side dishes
• Dessert
Please bring your own
Kosher Wine.
Juice will be provided.
The cutoff date for registration is March 16th 2018
Attach the completed registration form and send to: .
Volunteers required for set-up only for the Seder. Contact Larry Gillman c/o of if you can help out.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Kabbalat Shabbat
When: Friday, February 23, 2018 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Please mark the dates in your calendar and come out to support these events. As usual, Dr. Dan Houpt will be leading services. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. Please adhere to the Potluck Rules.
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
Sunday, February 4, 2018: 3:00 p.m.
Abraham Festival Movie Event:
The Sultan and The Saint
Abraham Festival presents a Fundraiser for the 15th Annual Abraham Festival, 2018
A Movie & Soup Afternoon
Come out and enjoy some delicious hot soup and bread, great company and an
awesome film!
Jewish Community Centre,
775 Weller Street, Peterborough.
Movie starts at 3:00 pm, followed by Soup & Social
$12 Cover Charge for movie and soup.
Thank you for your support
Monday and Tuesday,
January 28 and 29: 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Bridges Out of Poverty
Friday, January 26
Kabbalat Shabbat and Tu B’Shvat Celebration
When: Friday, January 26, 2018 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Please mark the dates in your calendar and come out to support these events. As usual, Dr. Dan Houpt will be leading services. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. Please adhere to the Potluck Rules.
Forward your RSVP and any questions to: .
Friday, December 15
Kaballat Shabbat and Potluck in combination
with Chanukah Celebrations
When: Friday, December 15, 2017, 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Please mark the dates in your calendar and come out to support these events. As usual, Dr. Dan Houpt will be leading services. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. See below for Potluck Rules Refresher .
Forward your RSVP to: .
Friday, December 3
Beth Israel Courtyard Imaging Session
- To get to know each other better, and
- To have fun sharing ideas and visions about a possible project to make the courtyard of the synagogue more beautiful and meaningful.
Tuesday, November 28
Abraham Festival Film Night
Friday, November 17
Kaballat Shabbat and Potluck
When: Friday, November 17, 2017, 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Please mark the dates in your calendar and come out to support these events. As usual, Dr. Dan Houpt will be leading services. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. See below for Potluck Rules Refresher .
Forward your RSVP to: .
Monday, October 30: 7:00m p.m.
Remembering the Holocaust through Film
Special Lecturer – Dr. Carolyn Kay
How has documentary and feature film shaped ideas of the Holocaust for the public? This talk will address one educator’s experience through three decades of teaching the Holocaust at a university level, and will explore the impact of such films as Shoah, Schindler’s List, The Pianist, In Darkness, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, and Son of Saul.
Carolyn Kay is a professor of modern German history and the Holocaust at Trent University. She has utilized film in her courses on the Holocaust since the early 1990s. In 2014 Kay attended a teaching seminar at the U.S. Holocaust Museum on the use of film in Holocaust courses, and she will share some of the insights from this seminar while also reflecting upon her students’ reaction to films in her Holocaust courses.
It will a special honour to present Dr. Kay and have her speak at the synagogue on October 30.
Friday, October 27
Kaballat Shabbat and Potluck
When: Friday, October 27, 2017, 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Please mark the dates in your calendar and come out to support these events. As usual, Dr. Dan Houpt will be leading services. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. See below for Potluck Rules Refresher .
Forward your RSVP to: .
Tuesday, October 24, 7:00 p.m.
Movie Night in Support of the Abraham Festival:

Our goal is to look at the roots of the universal attachment to Jerusalem:
Jewish, Christian and Muslim. We hope the juxtaposition of these different religions and cultures – all with profound spiritual and historical connections to the city – will reveal how much Jews, Christians and Muslims have in common and inspire all of us to better understand each other.
We believe that the power of the images and stories in JERUSALEM will allow our audience a unique window into the lives of others. Every stone in Jerusalem has many stories.
It is the collective power of all these stories that makes the city so endearing to billions of people.
Free will donations welcomed.
Weekend of October 14 – 15
Many Windows, One Light
Beth Israel Synagogue and the Unitarian Fellowship are co-sponsoring an inter-faith weekend at the Shul the weekend of October 14 and 15. More details can be found in the flyer appended to the end of this newsletter, as well as just below so read on. The opening session will take place on Saturday October 14th from 3 – 5 pm with presenters from at least 13 spiritual paths reflecting on the following question for 5 minutes each; “How does your spirituality give hope, promote love, foster unity, build community and express itself by helping others in the wider world?” The Jewish community will be represented by our very own Dan Houpt. Between each presenter, a candle will be lit and there will be a short interlude of music and/or a quote that Rev. Julie Stoneberg, spiritual leader of the Unitarian Fellowship and the chief organizer of this event, will read. The afternoon presentations will be followed by a potluck dinner and entertainment, a potpourri of local talent including singers, dancers and musicians The program will continue on Sunday with a “Hosted Conversation”.
Please come out and enjoy an inspiring weekend. You need to register if you plan to attend and registration can be done through Facebook, or Eventbrite using the following links:
All events are free, but a $15 donation is suggested by the organizers to help defray their costs.
Tuesday, September 26
Film Night: Mightier than the Sword
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Film showing at 7 p.m.
No charge for admission but donations appreciated.
The Abraham Festival of Peterborough and the Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan present
Mightier than the Sword
a 45 minute documentary in which filmmaker Roberta Staley explores how young female journalists in Afghanistan are fighting for the right of Afghan women to live and work without abuse and harassment.
Join us to learn more about present day Afghanistan. There will be time to ask questions and to enjoy refreshments following the film.
Needlework from Afghanistan will be on sale and the newest edition of Deborah Ellis’ book “The Breadwinner” with illustrations from the animated film which is soon to be released. 705 748-3680 705 656-382
Friday, September 8
Kabalat Shabbat and Potluck
When: Friday, September 8, 2017, 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Please mark the dates in your calendar and come out to support these events. As usual, Dr. Dan Houpt will be leading services. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. See below for Potluck Rules Refresher .
Forward your RSVP to: .
Potluck Rules Refresher
Please include an ingredients list for the dish you plan to bring to the potluck as we wish to protect those of are allergic, lactose intolerant or required gluten-free products.
As a reminder/refresher, here is a condensed review of the dietary rules as they apply to food brought to Beth Israel.
RED LIGHT FOODS: DO NOT BRING any of these foods or any dish made with these foord into Beth Israel Synagogue:· Meat including all beef, poultry, fowl, game, lamb and pork· Any product containing animal meat, organs, or body parts· Non-Kosher Fish (Fish that do not have fins and scales)o Shellfish including shrimp, squid, lobster, oysters, and crab |
o Other fish that do not have fins and scales such as shark and catfish YELLOW LIGHT FOODS:EXERCISE CAUTION with these foods. Please make absolutely certain that foods these foods do not contain animal or non-kosher fish products or ingredients:· Some Cheeses: Some hard cheeses including some cheddars and parmesan contain rennet, which is made from animal enzymes. Please make sure that the cheese you bring into the building is rennet-free or made from non-animal rennet. Soft cheeses such as cream cheese or mozzarella generally do not contain rennet. Keep in mind that any cheese marked with a kosher symbol is acceptable!· Some Pre-packaged Soups and Sauces: Some vegetable soups and sauces contain meat or shellfish. For example, some soups contain chicken or beef broth, and some pasta sauce contains shellfish;· Some Pre-packaged Salad Dressings: Some salad dressing contains bacon fat or other animal products;· Some Marshmallows and Yogurts: Some marshmallows and yogurts contain animal-based gelatin. Fish or vegetable gelatin is kosher!GREEN LIGHT FOODS: These foods are good bets:· Fruits· Vegetables· Dairy products that contain no meat or animal products· Grains/bread/pasta
· Kosher fish (no kosher symbol is needed): Fish that have fins and gills are considered kosher. Salmon, tuna, whitefish (and many, many more) are great bets.
The full guidelines document is available on request, and if you are not sure about something, just ask by making the request with your question.
Wednesday, June 21
Beth Israel Synagogue — Annual General Meeting
When: Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 7:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Community Message from President Larry Gillman Regarding AGM
Our Upcoming Annual General Meeting And The Messianic Community
As a Jewish Community in small town Ontario we have many blessings and much reason to feel good about our situation. First and foremost we have a community of really caring people, who look after others both inside and outside our community. We are blessed to be the second smallest city in Ontario that has a synagogue. Not only is it a beautiful building but it is in relatively good shape and is well used by our community and others. We have a group of very dedicated volunteers that delivers ongoing programs and services that meet the needs of our community. Our blessings go on and on, and we are indeed fortunate.
Our Annual General Meeting is set for June 21st at 7 pm at Beth Israel, and it is always wonderful to socialize with others. It is also an opportunity for all of us to come together and discuss community developments and where we are going. This year has only one voting matter which is to vote in the President and the new Executive Board. If you would like to serve on the Executive, please contact me now as the slate will be voted in at the meeting. Many current board members have served for a long time and their contribution to the ongoing survival of this community has been significant. Some will be leaving for various reasons other than just long service. A vibrant community with a future needs to be led by a board that has fresh faces and broader community engagement, so please consider serving on the board. Please note that everyone is encouraged to attend the AGM, however only community members in good standing are allowed to vote.
On another note there is a Messianic Jewish group that was recently founded here in Peterborough. This organization is also known as one manifestation of “Jews For Jesus” movements. Some of you may have seen the pictures of their Passover Seder in the Peterborough Examiner, which was followed by a letter to the editor from a Jew living in Peterborough and a response from the leader of the Messianic community. All of this has led to much discussion and to alleviate any confusion in our community, the board has taken the following actions.
Recently, Mark Siegel, Dan Houpt and I met with the leader of the Messianic community. Our goal was to seek clarity on what transpired and to clearly define boundaries within the Peterborough Jewish Community. We will share our insights and the agreed actions with the Beth Israel community at our AGM. In addition we have invited “Jews For Judaism” leaders to our AGM to make a presentation, answer questions about the Messianic movement and to clear up any confusions or concerns. Their story is fascinating and there will be lots of opportunities to discuss this subject and ask questions. Here is a short blurb from Wikipedia;
Jews for Judaism, established in 1985 by Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz, is an international organization that focuses on preventing Jews from converting to other faiths and reclaiming those who have already converted. It is the largest counter-missionary organization in existence. It provides counseling services, education, and outreach programs to all Jewish denominations.
The name Jews for Judaism was developed from Jews for Jesus, one of the principal missionary organizations it was founded to counteract. One of its prominent early members, Larry Levey, was a Jewish convert to Christianity who then converted back to Judaism and led the Baltimore office of Jews for Judaism for a number of years. In addition to its activities in response to Christian missionaries, Jews for Judaism has also been noted for its critiques of the Kabbalah Centre.
I look forward to seeing everyone on June 21st.
Regards, Larry
Sunday, June 11
Unveiling — David Seward
When: Sunday, June 11, 2017, 11:00 am
Where: Little Lake Cemetery – Jewish Section
David was a good friend and a member of Beth Israel Synagogue who sadly passed away last year, far too early in a productive life. He is sorely missed by his wife Patricia and members of his family and by our community. The unveiling of his headstone will take place as indicated above and everyone is welcome to attend to honour David’s membory and show their support for the family.
Afterwards, Larry Gillman and Jenn Reid invites everyone to a reception at their home at 1 Cindy St. here in Peterborough.
If you need directions to the cemetery or to Cindy St., just email and ask.
Friday, May 26
Kabalat Shabbat and Potluck
When: Friday, May 26, 2017, 6:00 pm
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue
Please mark the dates in your calendar and come out to support these events. As usual, Dr. Dan Houpt will be leading services. Come out and join fellow community members for this celebration.
Please RSVP to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. The RSVP should include the following information:
- Family Name
- Number of Adults and Children (12 years and under)
- Whether willing to help with the SETUP (possibly Thursday) and/or CLEANUP
- Food to be brought. See below for Potluck Rules Refresher .
Forward your RSVP to: .
Thanks to Alvin Gallay for volunteering to lead the organization of this event and to Dan Houpt who will lead the evening service.
Potluck Rules Refresher
Please include an ingredients list for the dish you plan to bring to the potluck as we wish to protect those of are allergic, lactose intolerant or required gluten-free products.
As a reminder/refresher, here is a condensed review of the dietary rules as they apply to food brought to Beth Israel.
RED LIGHT FOODS: DO NOT BRING any of these foods or any dish made with these foord into Beth Israel Synagogue:· Meat including all beef, poultry, fowl, game, lamb and pork· Any product containing animal meat, organs, or body parts· Non-Kosher Fish (Fish that do not have fins and scales)o Shellfish including shrimp, squid, lobster, oysters, and crab |
o Other fish that do not have fins and scales such as shark and catfish YELLOW LIGHT FOODS:EXERCISE CAUTION with these foods. Please make absolutely certain that foods these foods do not contain animal or non-kosher fish products or ingredients:· Some Cheeses: Some hard cheeses including some cheddars and parmesan contain rennet, which is made from animal enzymes. Please make sure that the cheese you bring into the building is rennet-free or made from non-animal rennet. Soft cheeses such as cream cheese or mozzarella generally do not contain rennet. Keep in mind that any cheese marked with a kosher symbol is acceptable!· Some Pre-packaged Soups and Sauces: Some vegetable soups and sauces contain meat or shellfish. For example, some soups contain chicken or beef broth, and some pasta sauce contains shellfish;· Some Pre-packaged Salad Dressings: Some salad dressing contains bacon fat or other animal products;· Some Marshmallows and Yogurts: Some marshmallows and yogurts contain animal-based gelatin. Fish or vegetable gelatin is kosher!GREEN LIGHT FOODS: These foods are good bets:· Fruits· Vegetables· Dairy products that contain no meat or animal products· Grains/bread/pasta
· Kosher fish (no kosher symbol is needed): Fish that have fins and gills are considered kosher. Salmon, tuna, whitefish (and many, many more) are great bets.
The full guidelines document is available on request, and if you are not sure about something, just ask by making the request with your question.
Tuesday, April 11
Community Seder
Registration by March 15
(if at all possible)
April 11, 2017, Tuesday Evening. You and your guests are invited, but the organizers need to know who is coming as soon as possible because the meal is catered and cooked off site. THIS IS NOT A POTLUCK – No food to be brought in.
The Seder will start at 6:30 pm SHARP and will be led by Dan Houpt, Larry Gillman and Alvin Gallay.
- Vegetable soup with Matzoh Balls
- Salad
- Baked Salmon
- Vegetable side dishes
- Dessert
Cost (per person):
- $25 Adult Beth Israel members (18 and older)
- $30 Adult non-members (18 and older)
- $15 University/College Students
- $10 Children 11 to 17
- free Children 10 and under
Please bring your own Kosher Wine. Juice will be provided.
Download this registration form, complete and send by email to before March 15, 2017 if at all possible!
Payments before the event are encouraged. Payment should be sent to:
Ron Molnar
c/o Beth Israel Synagogue
775 Weller St.
P.O. Box 144
Peterborough, ON
K9J 6Y7
The Organizers will be looking for volunteers to help with setup and cleanup.
There will be a cutoff date for registrations that will be announced shortly after March 15, but to help the planners please respond as soon as possible!!!
Saturday April 8
Abraham Festival Dance
Tuesday March 21
Soup: 6:00 p.m./ Movie: 7:00 p.m.
Abraham Festival Soup & Movie Night
Please note that this is a fundraiser for the Abraham Festival, the multicultural festival held for many years now that brings together Peterborough’s Christians, Muslims and Jews to explore common themes and to make personal connections. Especially today, the message of the Abraham Festival is an important one and your support by attending the movie night helps to continue this worthwhile activity.
Friday March 3rd
6:00 p.m.
Kaballat Shabbat Service
Potluck Afterwards
Please mark these dates in your calendar and come out to support both events. As usual, Dr. Dan Houpt will be leading services . The services and potlucks following are both fun and your participation is very welcomed.
Please RSVP (using the information below – response for each event) to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. As well VOLUNTEERS are needed for SETUP(evening before) and CLEANUP (after the meal).
With your RSVP please indicate:
- Family name
- Who is coming…Number of adults and kids (12 yrs and under).
- Can you help on the Thursday evening before the Kaballat Shabbat to set up.
- Can you help on the Kaballat Shabbat Friday after the potluck to clean-up.
- What food item are you bringing for the potluck. (Kashrut guidelines are available. No meat please.)
Please RSVP with the information above or send any inquiries to
Thursday, February 9th
An Evening of Traditional Music Hosted
by Lady Eaton College, Trent University
7:00 p.m. – 9:00
Location: Lady Eaton College Pit, Trent University
Dr. Judith Cohen, an ethnomusicologist, medievalist and singer, takes us to the world of music in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities which co-existed for centuries in what are now Spain and Portugal. A specially prepared powerpoint with colourful images of medieval and contemporary musicians accompanies both recorded examples and Dr. Cohen’s live sung excerpts. Dr. Cohen holds a doctorate in ethnomusicology and a master’s in medieval studies, and is a specialist in Sephardic and related music. She teaches at York University.
Wednesday, February 8th
Interfaith Meeting at Beth Israel –
Québec Masjid Victims Fundraiser
7:30 p.m.
Beth Israel is hosting a fundraising event on behalf of the Quebec Masjid victims and their families. We are inviting people of all faith groups to come and stand with our Muslim friends. A number of Community and Faith leaders will share a brief thought for all of us about this tragic event. The Peterborough Mosque plans on delivering the donations to the families affected in Québec City next Friday.
A recent Globe and Mail article revisits and talks about how the Peterborough Community has responded to acts of Islamophobia in Peterborough with much solidarity. Here is the link to the article.
Friday, February 3rd
Friday March 3rd –
6:00 p.m. –
Kaballat Shabbat Service –
Potluck Afterwards
Please mark these dates in your calendar and come out to support both events. As usual, Dr. Dan Houpt will be leading services . The services and potlucks following are both fun and your participation is very welcomed.
Please RSVP (using the information below – response for each event) to let the organizers know who is coming, and what you plan to bring for the meal. As well VOLUNTEERS are needed for SETUP(evening before) and CLEANUP (after the meal).
With your RSVP please indicate:
- Family name
- Who is coming…Number of adults and kids (12 yrs and under).
- Can you help on the Thursday evening before the Kaballat Shabbat to set up.
- Can you help on the Kaballat Shabbat Friday after the potluck to clean-up.
- What food item are you bringing for the potluck. (Kashrut guidelines are available. No meat please.)
Please RSVP with the information above or send any inquiries to
Tuesday, January 31st – 7:00 p.m. –
Abraham Festival Film Night –
“The Legacy”
Dr. Rainville, an aging country doctor with a deep attachment to his patients, is about to retire and is looking fa successor. Jeanne Dion, an emergency room doctor from Montreal, agrees to go to Normétal to Abitibi in northern Quebec to replace him for a few weeks, with no plans for an extended stay. When Dr. Rainville suddenly dies, Jeanne must decide if she’ll take over the job, and its inherent responsibilities, for the long-term.
Free will donations welcome
Friday, December 30 – 6:00 p.m. –
Kabbalat Shabbat –
Chanukah Songfest, Candle Lighting – Potluck
Yes, it’s all happening at Beth Israel on December 30th, Friday evening at 6 pm. Dr. Dan will be leading the services in his usual unique style, but he needs help to light the Chanukah candles and to sing the songs, some that go with candle-lighting and others that are just fun for the season. So, plan to bring yourself and your kids to this ONLY-IN-PETERBOROUGH event.
Don’t miss this special event and don’t forget to RSVP, (and please, not at the last minute) particularly important for the potluck dinner. With your RSVP please indicate:
- Family name
- Who is coming…Number of adults and kids.
- Can you help on Thursday Oct. 20 evening to set up.
- Can you help on Friday after the potluck to clean-up.
- What food item are you bringing for the potluck. (Kashrut guidelines are available. No meat please.)
Please RSVP with the information above or send any inquiries to
Monday , December 5 – 7:00 p.m. –
Holocaust Education Film – Joint BIS and UFP Event
Beth Israel Synagogue and our good friends, the Unitarian Fellowship of Peterborough are jointly presenting a recently released film entitled Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War. Check out the film’s poster.
The film was directed by renowned documentary filmmaker, Ken Burns and the Sharp’s grandson, Artemis Joukowsky and both will be present for the discussion that will follow the film.
The film is an account of a daring rescue mission that occurred on the precipice of World War II. It tells the story of Waitstill & Martha Sharp, a Unitarian minister and his wife from Wellesley, Massachusetts, who left their children behind in the care of their parish and boldly committed to multiple life-threatening missions in Europe. Over two dangerous years they helped to save hundreds of imperilled political dissidents and Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazi occupation across Europe. Their incredible exploits remained virtually unknown and uncelebrated. The Sharps were finally recognized as ‘Righteous Among the Nations’ by Yad Vashem in 2006 and now are properly honoured in a recent documentary and book. The Documentary will be shown.
Check out Ken Burns’ impressive filmography here:
Light refreshments will be served and parking is free.
Saturday , November 26 – 7:30 p.m. –
Fundraiser for Zimbabwe Mission – Indian River Band
Our president, Larry Gillman, has been a long-time supporter of the work of Dr. Paul Thistle in Zimbabwe, bringing medical aid and relief to the sick and needy in this embattled nation. As Zimbabwe lurches from political crisis to crisis, and this will only get worse as the infighting to succeed the 92 year old dictator, Robert Mugabe, intensifies, Dr. Thistle and his colleagues remain beacons of hope and mercy for the future of this nation with so much potential.
In the coming months, Larry will be travelling once again to Zimbabwe, this time together with son David, to help Dr. Thistle and to bring much-needed supplies to the hospital where he is based. To support this mission, Dan Houpt and the Indian River band will be putting on an evening of old time Rock and Roll music on November 26, 2016 at the synagogue. So, mark the date, put on your dancing shoes (and Dan says, bring your own ear plugs) and have a great evening for a great cause.
More details will follow in upcoming newsletters, so watch this space.
Thursday, November 24 – 7:00 p.m. –
Holocaust Remembrance Event
The community is honoured to have a visit from Mr. Max Eisen on November 24. Mr. Eisen is a holocaust survivor of the Auschwitz death camp and as the number of living witnesses to this sad chapter in human history dwindles, it becomes more and more important that we hear their stories and share their memories so that the grim lessons of the holocaust are not forgotten.
Please look at the event poster for more details about Mr. Eisen and of the November 24thevent. Earlier this year, Mr. Eisen also released a book recounting his experience and his survival entitled “By Chance Alone” which has received widespread critical acclaim. You can read more about Mr. Eisen and the book in this Globe and Mail review:
So, mark this date in your calendar and make sure you participate in this important event. As usual, light refreshments will be served, and parking is free.
Thursday, November 17 – 6:00 p.m. –
JFC-UIA Annual Event with Speaker –
“Building Today for a Better Tomorrow”
It has been a long-standing tradition that as part of their annual fundraising campaign, JFC-UIA brings a very interesting speaker to talk to the Peterborough Jewish Community. In the past, we have had the privilege of hearing from renowned Israel affairs analysts and political figures. In larger centres, these sorts of events are held in a big hall and you are half a football field from the podium. Here in Peterborough, these events have traditionally been held in a very intimate home setting that allows the speaker and the audience to mingle and interact on a very personal level. This year, the event will be held in the home of Larry Gillman and Jenn Reid at 1 Cindy Street. This is not a potluck.
The speaker this year will be Mr. Matthew Godwin who works for CIJA, the advocacy entity of JFC-UIA. He is CIJA’s Associate Director, Universities and Provincial Government Relations. You can find complete details of the evening in the event poster.
If you would like to attend this event, please RSVP to Veronica Klein (her contact information is at the bottom of the poster) or send an email to
The speaker this year will be Mr. Matthew Godwin who works for CIJA, the advocacy entity of JFC-UIA. He is CIJA’s Associate Director, Universities and Provincial Government Relations. Matthew has worked ceaselessly for the Jewish collective in Canada. He is a skilled speaker and eager to address our group. Details are provided in the event poster but here is a brief and impressive bio of Matthew:
Matthew Godwin is Associate Director, Universities and Provincial Government Relations for the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs. Additionally, he is finishing his PhD in Public Policy at University College London and the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Matt has previously studied at the University of Toronto, School of Public Policy and Governance and Dalhousie University. He has published in numerous academic journals. In non-academic capacities, Matt has variously worked for a Labour member of the UK House of Lords, numerous Canadian Members of Parliament and for an Israeli start-up. Matt’s current priorities include building Canada-Israel research partnerships, working with the Canadian government on the Innovation Agenda and combatting BDS movements on campus. His ongoing research focuses on diaspora engagement in foreign affairs and diaspora efforts to free political prisoners.
JFC-UIA is in the process of finalizing the details of the Peterborough event and issuing a flyer which will be become available to you here. It will provide some detail about the topic Mr. Godwin has chosen to speak on, so watch this space for more details to come.
Tuesday, November 15 – 7:00 p.m. –
Abraham Festival Film Night
On the evening of November 15, 7 pm, the Abraham Festival Committee is screening the film, “Felix and Meira” by Québec director Maxime Giroux.
The film recounts the story of an unconventional romance between two people living vastly different realities mere blocks away from one another. Meira, a Hasidic Jewish wife and mother and Félix, a secular loner mourning the recent death of his estranged father. It is a poignant and touching tale of self-discovery set against the backdrops of Montreal, Brooklyn, and Venice. Have a look at the event poster for “Felix and Meira”
Following the film, viewers are invited to stay on for an informal discussion and light refreshments.
There is no admission charge but free-will donations to support the work of the Abraham Festival Committee will be gratefully accepted.
Saturday, November 5 – 7:00 p.m. –
PSO Concert Dedicated to Erica Cherney
The Peterborough Symphony Orchestra will be opening their 50th season with a concert on November 5th. The concert takes place at Showplace on George Street, starting at 7:30 pm. The orchestra, under the baton of conductor Michael Newnham and presenting guest artist Michael Nyby (Baritone), will be presenting Anton Dvorak’s New World symphony. Have a look at the event poster for this memorable event.
When Dvorak travelled from Prague to New York City his music was greatly inspired by the journey from central Europe to the new World. The PSO’s own expedition to the New World begins with compositions influenced by Dvorak’s work – Morawetz’s “Carnival Overture” and Copland’s Old American Songs featuring baritone Michael Nyby, before tracing their roots back to the titular symphony.
Tickets range from $20 to $48.50 and are available from the Showplace box office, 705-742-7469, or online at this link.
For additional information and to view the article in KawarthaNow about the PSO and Erica’s long time involvement with the orchestra and in general with the arts community in Peterborough can be found at this link:
Saturday, October 22 – 7:00 p.m. –
Movie Night – “Fiddler on the Roof”
Only in Peterborough, a revival of the drive in movie? OR a new take on outdoor cinema – a presentation of the famous movie, “Fiddler on the Roof”, at the home of Dan and Kellie Houpt. This special presentation will take place in the barn at their farm in Duoro. Please contact for address and directions or ask Dan on Friday. We are told that the barn is set up in tiers using straw bales where the audience will sit or lie (snorers will be gently prodded). Should be fun!
Please BYOB – BLANKETS – it may be cool and two warm blankets, one to lie on and one to cover up with are recommended. A hat is not a bad idea and cushions might be in order too, whatever makes you comfortable.
Also – BYOB – bottles, hard or soft, just remember that one of you is driving home that evening and you are taking your empties with you.
Our kind hosts will be providing popcorn but feel free to bring other movie snacks for yourselves or to share.
Friday, October 21 – 6:00 p.m. –
Kabbalat Shabbat and Simchat Torah Event for Kids
Thanks to the generosity and initiative of Karin Rose, there will be a special twist to this evening as we recognize Simchat Torah with the presentation of mini-torahs to all pre-bar/bat mitzvah-age children in the community. Simchat Torah marks the end of the annual cycle of reading the torah portions and we will mark this important date in the Jewish calendar a few days early on this Friday evening. So, you parents of small children, please note this date and make sure that you can join us for this unique celebration.
Don’t miss this special event and don’t forget to RSVP, (and please, not at the last minute) particularly important for the potluck dinner. With your RSVP please indicate:
- Family name
- Who is coming…Number of adults and kids.
- Can you help on Thursday Oct. 20 evening to set up.
- Can you help on Friday after the potluck to clean-up.
- What food item are you bringing for the potluck. (Kashrut guidelines are available. No meat please.)
Please RSVP with the information above or send any inquiries to
Volunteers will be needed to help with setup on Thursday evening, October 20 at 7 pm, and to help with cleanup after the event on Friday. Please do your part.
High Holy Days 5777, October 2016
Please navigate to the Religious Observances page on this website for the complete listing of the High Holy Days services and events, and messages from our Cantor and Beth Israel President. Here are a few words of encouragement:
Where did that year go? It’s time again to start thinking about observing the High Holy days. Thankfully, we don’t have to do that much thinking, just some showing up, as Cantor Leon Litvack, all the way from Belfast Ireland, will once again be leading our services and as usual, he has it all in hand. For those of you who have experienced Leon’s services, we don’t need to say much and you really don’t need much encouragement because you know that the services will be musical, approachable and enjoyable. For those that have not had the pleasure of joining us for High Holy Day services, all we can say is that you are in for a treat. Our shul is small and intimate. Leon’s services are friendly and make everyone feel as if they are really taking part – because they are. Like the rest of us, you will quickly be a devotee.
Whether you have taken out a membership or not, everyone is encouraged to come to the services that they can and to join in the observance of these special dates in the Jewish calendar.
And you out-of-towners – want to sit closer to the Bimah than half a football field away? Want to meet up with old friends and make new ones? Want to take part in a service, not just listen to one? Consider joining us at Beth Israel this year. We’d love to have you.
More details at “Religious Observances“.
Abraham Festival – Is it that time already? – October 5, 18:30 at the Shul
Not quite, but the 14th annual Abefest 2017 planning committee is busy preparing the event scheduled for April 23-25, 2017. They wanted to let us know about a pre-event event to be held in the synagogue on October 5 in support of the Abraham Festival.
Dr. Shegufa Merchant will be presenting a motivational workshop entitled
“Celebrating Me – Acknowledging the Value Within”.
Download the “Celebrating Me” poster.
Dr.Merchant is a post-doctoral fellow at Trent University with a very diverse and interesting background and a range of academic interests. She is also an experienced motivational speaker and an active participant in the Abraham Festival in many roles. Read more about her and the workshop she will present at the synagogue in the attached poster and MARK YOUR CALENDAR .
Wednesday, October 5, 6:30-9:00 pm for this stimulating event.
Beth Israel Synagogue
Admission: free, but donations in support of the Abraham Festival are welcomed
Parking: free
Friday, September 16 – Kabbalat Shabbat
Summer is slowly leaving us but that is no excuse not to enjoy a Kaballat Shabbat followed by a community potluck. As usual, our Dan Houpt will be ably and creatively leading the services at the synagogue at 6:00 pm. And in order to squeeze what we can out of the warm season, Larry Gillman and Jenn Reid have very kindly offered to host the potluck at their home, following the service.
When: Service – Friday September 16, 6:00 pm at the synagogue.
Potluck – following service at home of Larry and Jenn
Please RSVP directly to Jenn at Beth Israel to let her know how many of you are coming and what you would like to contribute to the potluck.
Sunday August 21 – Operation Mazon – Feeding the Needy
Why: To feed the hungry in our community
What: Make 100 Meals (bag lunches)
Where: St. Paul’s Church, 120 Murray Street, Peterborough
When: Sunday August 21st
2 different shifts:
2 – 5 pm – prepare meals OR
5 – 6 pm – hand-out meals
The concept of Tikkun Olam is central to Jewish life. It means to repair a broken world. Harlen Wall will lead a special mission and is looking to assemble a team of dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers who will work together in making 100 meals to be provided to the needy in Peterborough.
This special mission is called “Operation Mazon” because the Hebrew word “mazon” means nourishment. We must be a light to all nations but it starts in our own community!
Please email Harlen at to find out more details about this exciting mission and how you can volunteer.
Until August 21 – Exhibition Works of Phyllis Kirk
Phyllis Kirk, a member (with husband Manny) of our community is exhibiting a collection of her artwork and the launch of a book she has written on August 7, which this newsletter will have missed, but don’t despair, the show goes on until August 21 at the Kawartha Artists Gallery and Studio, 420 O’Connell Road, Peterborough. So, even if you missed the launch, you can still catch the show.
Sunday, August 14 – Local Jewish History –
the Pontypool Jewish Story
Manvers Historical Society is hosting a: Jewish Celebration in Pontypool
Sunday August 14 from 1-4 p.m at the Pontypool Community Centre.
Many of you will know that for a time between 1916 and the early 1960’s Pontypool was the Catskills of Toronto, home to a number of Jewish and kosher resorts oriented towards providing working Jews in Toronto with a summer place in the country. 4th Line theatre celebrated this history with their hit play “The Right Road to Pontypool” some years ago. Now, the Manvers historical society has developed a program commemorating this era in Pontypool’s history.
They have installed a flower garden and sign ‘CELEBRATING OUR JEWISH PAST’ and Mark Siegel, co-president of our Beth Israel community, will be dedicating the flower bed that afternoon.
Members of the Toronto and Peterborough Jewish communities are invited to a celebration of displays, artefacts, walking tours music etc at the Community Centre on John St Pontypool. Come out and learn more about local Jewish history. Should be interesting and fun.
Kathy Morton president Manvers Historical Society
Friday, June 24 – Kabbalat Shabbat and Potluck Dinner
Service at 6:00 pm
Potluck Dinner – immediately after
Please join us to welcome Shabbat with prayer, song, and, of course, food! Dr. Dan will lead us in a Kaballat Shabbat service at 6pm. If you have never been to one of these services, you are missing out! Highly accessible and family-friendly, the service combines music, prayer, and reflection.
A vegetarian potluck with follow the service. So, mark your calendars. RSVP to this email address: Beth Israel ( . Please use the same email address to let us know you wish to help out before or after the Service and the meal. See you there!
Saturday June 11 – Children’s Song Fest At Beth Israel
Begins: 10:00 a.m.
Come one, come all this Saturday June 11 at 10 am to Beth Israel Synagogue for a morning of Hebrew Song. Dr. Dan will be teaching songs new and old; this event is directed towards families with children, but all are welcome. Coffee/tea and juice and munchies will be provided. Song sheets will be also be provided.
Thursday June 2 -Beth Israel Annual General Meeting
- A community update of events
- A vote on the new bylaws (constitution) that we have been working on, to replace the old ones from the 1950’s. (Please see attached draft)
Presentation of Results of Survey of Jewish Residents of Peterborough
- A review of our financial position
- Election of the Board for the upcoming year. Please contact me if you would like to be on the Board
- Items from the floor that you would like to discuss.
Friday, May 13 – Kabbalat Shabbat and Potluck Dinner
Service at 6:00 pm
Potluck Dinner – immediately after
Please join us to welcome Shabbat with prayer, song, and, of course, food! Dr. Dan will lead us in a Kaballat Shabbat service at 6pm. If you have never been to one of these services, you are missing out! Highly accessible and family-friendly, the service combines music, prayer, and reflection.
A vegetarian potluck with follow the service. So, mark your calendars. RSVP to this email address: Beth Israel ( to let the organizers know if you are:
- going to participate – we sure hope so, but tell us how many adults and children in your party;
- bringing some food – what you are bringing;
- helping to set up – please volunteer, or
- helping to clean up – please volunteer.
As you know, the kitchen and basement areas of the Beth Israel synagogue are now kosher-style with respect to food. When deciding what to bring for the potluck, please contact Beth Israel for the policy statement and with any questions you might have.
Saturday April 23 – Community Seder – Second Night
Go to the Religious Observances page for details.
Friday – Sunday – April 8,9,10th – Abraham Festival Events
Beth Israel is holding two Abraham Festival events: Kaballat Shabbat services and a dance. The “Welcoming the Stranger: The Refugee Experience” brochure and poster offers details about the full agenda of activities.
Saturday March 26 – Purim Megillah Reading and Potluck Dinner
Go to the Religious Observances page for details.
Friday, February 26 – Kabbalat Shabbat and Potluck Dinner
Service at 6:00 pm
Potluck Dinner – immediately after
Yes, time again for a celebration of Shabbat with a Friday night service led by Dr. Dan Houpt in the unique and personal style that we have all come to appreciate and enjoy. And as usual the service will be followed by a potluck dinner but this time, it will be right in the synagogue. So, mark your calendars
RSVP to this email address: Beth Israel ( to let the organizers know if you are:
- going to participate – we sure hope so, but tell us how many adults and children in your party;
- bringing some food – what you are bringing;
- helping to set up – please volunteer, or
- helping to clean up – please volunteer.
As you know, the kitchen and basement areas of the Beth Israel synagogue are now kosher-style with respect to food. When deciding what to bring for the potluck, please contact Beth Israel for the policy statement and with any questions you might have.
Saturday February 20th – Syrian Refugee Family Fund Raiser
Join us on Saturday, February 20 at 7:30 at Beth Israel Synagogue for a family friendly fundraising dance with the Indian River Band and Special Guests. The event is being hosted by the Abraham Festival group. Tickets are $25, $15 for students or unwaged and children are free. Please contact Heather (, Larry ( or Brian ( for tickets.
Friday, January 22 – Kabbalat Shabbat and Potluck Dinner
Service at 6:00 pm
Potluck Dinner – immediately after
Yes, time again for a celebration of Shabbat with a Friday night service led by Dr. Dan Houpt in the unique and personal style that we have all come to appreciate and enjoy. And as usual the service will be followed by a potluck dinner but this time, it will be right in the synagogue. So, mark your calendars
RSVP to this email address: Beth Israel ( to let the organizers know if you are:
- going to participate – we sure hope so, but tell us how many adults and children in your party;
- bringing some food – what you are bringing;
- helping to set up – please volunteer, or
- helping to clean up – please volunteer.
As you know, the kitchen and basement areas of the Beth Israel synagogue are now kosher-style with respect to food. When deciding what to bring for the potluck, please contact Beth Israel for the policy statement and with any questions you might have.
Beth Israel Write-up in CJN
On December 12th, the Canadian Jewish News published an article about Beth Israel Synagogue entitled: “Synagogue is at the Centre of Jewish Life in Peterborough”. An online version of the article can be found here!
Chanukkah 2015
Chanukah Dance, was a huge success, with more than a 120 people showing up to swing the night away. The dance was a J.C.C. sponsored event with all monies raised going towards two great local organizations. Special Olympics-Peterborough, and PCSS (Peterborough Communications Support Services). Everyone enjoyed eating the fantastic Potato Latkes, and no one left hungry.
Big thanks go out to Dr. Dan and the “Indian River Band”, as well as all the other volunteers who helped with the set up, and cooking.
There are plans to hold it again next year, so keep checking the JCC website for further announcements.
Hanukah Menorah Services
Come out all and help celebrate the first night of Chanukah at the Beth Israel/JCC!
Sunday, December 6
Beth Israel Synagogue
The community along with friends, relatives, and neighbors are all invited out to help bring in the first night of Chanukah.
There will be some live music and songs afterwards, and snacks provided, so bring along your own Menorah and candles as well if you wish.
All are welcome
News: Peterborough Mosque Fire on Nov. 14
Letter from the President of Beth Israel:
Dear Beth Israel Community,
I was both sad and concerned to learn about the fire at Masid Al-Salaam Mosque. My sadness turned to anger when I later found out that the fire was arson, and that the police are treating this as a hate crime.
The vast majority of people in Peterborough are caring individuals who respect the differences of others, and support those people who are in need. It is these very things that make our community great. There is no room for the hate of whomever committed this cowardly act at the Mosque.
Tonight I attended a fundraising dinner sponsored by the Abraham Festival. The money raised will be used so that a Syrian refugee family can relocate to Peterborough. The event was put together by a long standing group of Christians, Muslims, Jews and other religions, all of whom attended the event. When I looked at the spirit of good in that room, it reminded me that this is the Peterborough I know and love.
Tonight I talked with Kenzu Abdella the President of the Mosque, to let him know that the Peterborough Jewish Community stands united with the Muslim community. I was overjoyed to hear Kenzu tell me that the response from Peterborough and beyond has been very strong and supportive.
I let Kenzu know that we share the space at the Beth Israel Synagogue with our friends from the Unitarian Fellowship. Both the Unitarian and Jewish congregations have invited the Mosque to share space at Beth Israel while repairs are ongoing. We look forward to meeting with Kenzu this week to talk about ways we can support.
Larry Gillman
President Beth Israel Synagogue
Links to Related News Article and Broadcast:
Update on Syrian Refugee Sponsorship and Fundraising Event on Nov. 15
On Sunday November 15th, from 5-8pm, Abraham Festival organizing committee and friends are holding a fundraising dinner at George St. United Church. Tickets are $25 each. Part of this event is a Silent Auction. Thank you to everyone who has requested tickets. We have set them aside for you. We would love as many people from the synagogue as possible to attend the dinner. Please be in touch with regarding tickets.
We wanted to let you know what has happened in our application to bring a Syrian family to Canada. We have the possibility of sponsoring a single 34 year old mother and her three children; they fled from Syria, and are now in a camp in Jordan. We will be responsible for supporting them financially for 12 months, and for finding housing, helping them integrate into Canadian society etc. They could arrive as early as the first of December.
What can you do to help?
Abraham Festival Film Night
Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015, 7 pm at Beth Israel Synagogue
If you missed our 1st showing in October (The Beauty Academy of Kabul)
make sure to join us for Serenades
Set in 19th-century Australia, Jila is born between the worlds of her Afghan father and Aborigine mother. An Insightful and refreshing story in the dignity allowed to each culture, each religion.
7:00 – 8:30 film, 8:30 – 9:00 discussion
Light refreshments
* Free will donation will go to our Syrian Family Sponsorship
Holocaust Education Week Event –
Speaker Dr. Susanna Kokkonen
Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015, 7 pm at Beth Israel Synagogue
You are invited
Special Guest Speaker from Jerusalem
Dr. Susanna Kokkonen
Director of Christian Friends of Yad Vashem, Italy and Scandinavia
International Relations Division
November 5th 2015
7 PM
Beth Israel Synagogue
755 Weller Street, Peterborough ON
“70 years after the liberation” for Holocaust Education Week
Dr. Kokkonen travels around the world to speak to Christian, Jewish and civic audiences about the Holocaust, antisemitism and Israel. Fluent in six languages, she is skilled in presenting difficult content in a way that touches hearts, inspiring positive action and reconciliation between people and the past. Dr. Kokkonen is equally adept in presenting ideas in print, as well as in television and radio interviews. With her gentle, straightforward and articulate manner, she’s at home behind any microphone.
Affectionately called “A Christian Ambassador for the Holocaust” (, Susanna maintains that although the Holocaust is a particularly Jewish tragedy, universal lessons can be learned, such as: how humans behave in a crisis, how genocide happens, and how we can heal and commemorate this devastating period in history. Audiences she addresses come to learn, and leave inspired and equipped, transformed by the encounter. When not on the road speaking and teaching, Dr. Kokkonen is on the Yad Vashem campus escorting Christian dignitaries, addressing Christian groups, organizing the annual Christian Leadership Seminar and encouraging the Christian community to support Yad Vashem’s important work.
Originally from Finland, Dr. Kokkonen worked at the European Parliament in Brussels and at the Embassy of Finland in Tel Aviv. In 2004, she received her Ph.D. in Holocaust Studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where her dissertation topic was Jewish Refugees in Post-War Italy, 1945-1951. Her book entitled Journey to the Holocaust: Hatred of Jews in Light of the Bible and History was published in Finland in April 2014.
Contact: ICEJ Canada Kawartha-Peterborough Area Rep Sandra Berry 705-878-2756
Feel free to share and post this public event.
Holocaust Education Week – Toronto Events
If you are interested in Holocaust Education Week in Toronto, the Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre has assembled a very extensive and varied program based around the theme of Liberation: Aftermath and Rebirth. The presentations include lectures, theatre and film, music and dance, exhibitions and discussions.
Follow this link for more information:
Abraham Festival Film Night
Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015, 7 pm at Beth Israel Synagogue
The Abraham Festival organizing committee is presenting as film and discussion on Oct. 20 at the synagogue (775 Weller St.). The film being screened is:
Set in 19th-century Australia, Jila is born between the worlds of her Afghan father and Aborigine mother. This is an insightful and refreshing film in the dignity allowed to each culture and each religion. It explores a part of Australian history that is not widely known, the role played by Afghan camel herders in opening up the Australian outback, and the complex cross-cultural dilemmas that sometimes resulted.
7:00 – 8:30 pm film, 8:30 – 9:00 pm discussion
Light refreshments
Free will donations go to our Syrian Family Sponsorship
Jewish Federations of Canada UIA Campaign Speaker
Oct 13, 2015, 7 pm at Beth Israel Synagogue
Once again, to kick of their annual fundraising campaign, Our old friend, Perry Romberg working once again with JFC-UIA is bringing a distinguished speaker to Peterborough to update our community on the situation in the turbulent middle-east and how it affects Israel, world Jewry and these days, just about everyone. Tall order? Whether you are an unconditional supporter of Israel or a strong critic of Israel and its policies or anywhere in between, you know that the speakers that JFC-UIA has brought to our community are extremely well informed and provide us with a nuanced and carefully thought out perspective supported by research and data. And if you have attended these meetings before, you also know that here in Peterborough, you get a chance to meet and interact with these distinguished lecturers on a very personal level, something that people in large centres like Toronto or Montreal cannot experience.
So, please mark your calendars for this important event. Whether or not you contribute to the JFC-UIA campaign is not the issue and is not the focus of this meeting. All Jews should make an effort to inform themselves about matters that affect Jews in Israel and worldwide so take advantage of this unique opportunity to do so.
High Holy Days Schedule – 5776 (2015) with Cantor Leon Litvack
Erev Rosh Hashanah
September 13 Sunday – Services 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Rosh Hashanah I – Shacharit / Torah / Musaf / Shofar blowing
September 14 Monday – Services 9:30 am to 1:00 pm
(Kohanim – please make sure you are there by 10:30 am)
Rosh Hashanah I – Tashlich at Jackson Creek
– where it crosses Bonaccord St. (a 10 min walk from the shul)
September 14 Monday – after 1:00 pm – following end of services
Rosh Hashanah I – Children Services/Mincha Service
September 14 Monday – Services 3:45 pm (Children`s service)
September 14 Monday – Services 4:00 pm to about 5:00 pm
Rosh Hashanah II – Meditative Shacharit
September 15 Tuesday – 9:30 am to 10:30 am
(Please note that you must be there on time: latecomers cannot be admitted until the service has been completed).
Rosh Hashanah II – Torah / Musaf / Shofar blowing
September 15 Tuesday– Services 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
NOTE: Tuesday (September 15) Afternoon Pot Luck at Houpt Farm. Please RSVP to Kelli and Dan by sending an email to to let us know who is coming and what you would like to bring for the meal.
Erev Yom Kippur – Kol Nidre
September 22 Tuesday– Services 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Yom Kippur – Shacharit / Torah / Musaf
September 23 Wednesday– Services 9:30 am to 1:00 pm (Yizkor about 11:30 am)
(Kohanim – please make sure you are there by 10:30 am)
Yom Kippur – Spiritual Reflection Discussion
September 23 Wednesday–4:30 pm 6:00 pm
Yom Kippur – Ne’ilah Service / Havdalah
September 23 Wednesday–6:00-7:40 pm
September 23 Wednesday–8:00 pm
Communal breaking of the fast
Please RSVP by sending an email to to let us know who is coming.
June 5th 2015.
We are pleased to announce that Dan Houpt will lead a Shabbat Service at Beth Israel Synagogue on Friday, June 5 at 6pm. Following the service, the community will gather at the home of Larry Gillman and Jen Reid for a dairy potluck. If you plan to come to the potluck, please rsvp to Jenn
April 17-19 | Abraham Festival (see below for details) | |
April 20, 2015, 7pm | Annual General Meeting @ Beth Israel | |
April 17-19: Abraham Festival (see attached poster)
This is the 12th Abraham Festival, unique to the City of Peterborough, put on by a network of Jews, Christians and Muslims who work to demystify the other, grow relationships that bind together those who have been strangers, and to listen and learn from each other’s traditions. The 2 day festival includes worship services in each tradition, a vegetarian potluck lunch and a peace-building workshop. All of the related events are free and open to all people of any or no tradition who desire peace. With escalating political conflict, growing fear of unfamiliar neighbors, and increasing concerns about the Government’s Bill C-51, the importance of these communities learning more about one another has never been so evident.
Friday, April 17th
1:00 p.m. Muslim Jummah Prayers
Sutherland Campus, Fleming College 599 Brealey Drive. Parking is free.
6:00 p.m. Jewish Prayer
Beth Israel Synagogue, 775 Weller St.
Men should wear a head covering.
Sunday, April 19
11:00 a.m. Christian Worship
St. Andrews United Church, 441 Rubidge St.
12:00 p.m. Vegetarian Potluck
St. Andrews United Church Hall
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Peacebuilding Workshop
How to Protect Non-Violently. Facilitated by Gianne Broughton and Ruth Hillman.
In this interactive workshop, participants will get a taste of the possibilities of peace, and will strengthen their own conflict resolution skills.
For further information, contact: | (705) 745-3680
Monday April 20th, 2015
Annual Beth Israel AGM
Greetings to the Peterborough Jewish Community. I am pleased to announce that our Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday April 20th at 7PM at the Synagogue. Our AGM is always a chance to meet informally with others, discuss the latest developments, and enjoy some light refreshments. Everyone is encouraged to come out.
As always Members of the Synagogue will have an opportunity to vote in our Board for the upcoming year. Should you wish to join the Board, please contact me.
We will also provide updates and invite questions on a number of developments from the past year including (but not limited to) the kushrut initiative, our 2014 financials, our new constitution, our recent 50th celebration, religious leadership for the upcoming year, and other topics on your mind.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Regards Larry
President, Beth Israel
Ron Molnar / Dana Capell Beth Israel Synagogue Peterborough, Ontario Communications Committee
When: October 21, 2012, 12:30 pm
What: The Middle East in 2012 – Winds of Change and Quicksand – The Arab Awakening, Israel and the Region
Where: Beth Israel Synagogue, 777 Weller St. Peterborough
Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA presents independent Strategic Intelligence Analyst, Mr. Avi Melamed who will give a presentation on current affairs in the Arab and Muslim world and their impact on Israel and the Middle East.
Beth Israel community members brunch – see your emailed newsletter for details.
