Yom HaShoah Events

Learning about the Holocaust and Its Meaning Today

Below are a set of links to Yom HaShoah events of note for our local community. 

Online participation is possible. 

Click on the links below to reach the event or learning materials.Yom HaShoah Candles

Yizkor:  Our Commitment to Remember

6 million worlds extinguished.

6 million pairs of hands that could no longer be held

6 million lifetimes of stories that could no longer be told

We cannot undo these horrors

What we can do is honour

We honour 6 million worlds in our candle lighting

We honour 6 million worlds in our remembering

We honour 6 million worlds by saying Never Again

We honour by bearing witness, by teaching this difficult history to our children. We honour by asking:

Where is the seed of this hate?

How was it made to blossom?

How was this hate elected?

Who is feeding it today?

To every soul that perished in the Nazi Holocaust, Jewish, Roma, disabled, gay, trans, to the millions of universes we can no longer explore,

To each of you, we pledge: We will keep learning, we will keep teaching, we will keep speaking, we will keep thinking, we will keep loving, we will keep building relationships across difference

We refuse to believe that we are powerless against hate, we refuse to abandon faith in humanity, we refuse to take anything for granted. In your memory, in the shadow of 6 million worlds, We will do everything we can to make never again mean never again.


Beth Israel News Prize

How do I get a Beth Israel News Prize?

To be eligible for a Prize, all you need to do is submit something to the Beth Israel News. For Editorial Guidelines on what we do (and don’t) publish, click here. Your item can be big or small, one time or every week; it can be notice of a typo, words of thanks, or beyond. Every time someone sends in a contribution, their name is entered to win. Once a month (or so), we will draw a name at random, and pick a – perhaps equally random prize.  

Mazel tov, Eitan! You are the winner of the Beth Israel News for this month. Your prize is a bag of Munchos (chips, donated to Beth Israel by a kind member, excited about the Ladino nature of their name). To be eligible for a Prize, all you need to do is submit something to the Beth Israel News. For Editorial Guidelines on what we do (and don’t) publish, click here. Your item can be big or small, it can be notice of a typo, words of thanks, or beyond. Once a month (or so), we will draw a name and award a prize. 

Seeking Assistant Gabbai (Volunteer)

The search is on for someone to assist Ron Molnar and Cantor Leon Litvack in ensuring the smooth running of the High Holy Days and other religious services, with a view (eventually) to succeeding Ron as Gabbai (. Basic facility in Hebrew and some familiarity with the prayer book

(siddur/mahzor) are absolute requirements. Please send a statement at your earliest convenience, outlining your interest and experience – or any questions – please email Ron gabbai@jccpeterborough.com.






Beth Israel Board shares Resolution

At our December meeting, the BIC Board grappled with resolutions that could express our shock and horror at recent events. We focused on two central ideals. First, it was important for us to express our deep sadness at and condemnation of a day that saw the greatest loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust. And we also realized that there is a wide range of belief and opinion on the larger situation in the Middle East. As the only Synagogue in an area where many Jews feel isolated, we have a special responsibility to respect the diversity of our membership. We must remain a place that all Jews in our area can call a spiritual home. With these two ideals in mind, we crafted and approved the following resolutions:

  • Beth Israel stands with our fellow Jews in Israel and the diaspora, along with people throughout the world, in condemning Hamas’s slaughter and kidnapping of innocent people on October 7,2023. We mourn the ongoing loss of innocent lives.
  • Beth Israel is a spiritual and cultural home to a diverse community of Jews who hold dear an array of political beliefs, lived experiences, and identities. We affirm our commitment to embracing all of our members and celebrating our diversity as Jews.

We recognize that no statement can adequately address depth of emotion and perspectives around this complex situation. Our efforts to understand one another must be ongoing.


Board of Beth Israel Congregation’s Statement Re:

INSPIRE Peterborough Cancelling

Leah Goldstein

The Beth Israel Board is issuing a statement about a situation that has occurred in Peterborough. Here is some background. 


In 2023, Leah Goldstein, a Canadian cyclist was hired by a local group called Inspire to speak at their Women’s Day event on March 8, 2024. When the details were shared about the speaker they included her sports accomplishments and her time in the Israeli military and police force 30 years ago. The organizers of the Inspire group were subsequently harassed and intimidated until they canceled Leah’s presentation in January 2024.

This situation has not died down. By mid February, the story was picked up by many national and international news services. Pressure has been put on the federal government to stop funding Inspire. The organizers of Inspire have erased any social media articles about the event. And promoters of other Women’s Day events in Peterborough have reported being “inundated with negative calls” out of confusion with the Inspire situation. 


The Beth Israel Board has spent many hours trying to compose a statement but consensus was not possible. This is not a criticism but an acknowledgement that the diverse views of our membership are also reflected in our board. Board members have their own views about this event according to their own lived experiences and perspectives. As a community, we strive to celebrate these differences, but at this time, the majority of Board members want to make a statement about this situation. 

We encourage every member of our congregation to make up their own minds about this situation. We are providing contact information for other channels if you wish to express your concerns:

Beth Israel Board president@jccpeterborough.com or boardsecretary@jccpeterborough.com

Mayor Jeff Leal jleal@peterborough.ca

Dave Smith, MPP dave.smithco@pc.ola.org

Michelle Ferrari MP michelle.ferreri@parl.gc.ca


The cancellation of well known motivational speaker Leah Goldstein to speak at the INSPIRE: Women’s Portrait Project in Peterborough event is a blatant antisemitic act in response to pressure from anti-Israel groups due to both her Israeli heritage and her military service some 30 years ago. This dis-invitation is reprehensible and unacceptable. It also should be seen as what it is: antisemitism. Members of the Board of Beth Israel Synagogue in Peterborough have been shocked and moved by the massive increase in antisemitism in countries all over the world and at home here in Canada as Jews are attacked, threatened, excluded, fired, ejected, silenced and canceled. And now it has arrived here in Peterborough.

The act of holding Leah Goldstein, a Jewish woman, collectively accountable for the actions of the state of Israel is consistent with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s  (IHRA) definition of antisemitism which has also been adopted as a guidepost by our Federal government.

As reported in the Peterborough Examiner, well intentioned people who organized the Women’s Day event to benefit people in Peterborough were pressured into making this decision. Public discourse should not include intimidation. We must all speak up when such acts occur.

We are grateful for the resulting outpouring of support for speaker Leah Goldstein. We hope that another forum will be found for Leah to visit our community and inspire us with her story. 

Heather Pollock

Board Secretary, Beth Israel Peterborough


Resources for Combating

Anti-Semitism and Hate

In light of the increase in antisemitism at home and abroad, the Beth Israel Holocaust Education Committee has compiled a list of community and educational resources to combat antisemitism and hate here. If you have further resources you would like to suggest, please email Ralph. shoaheducation@jccpeterborough.com https://jccpeterborough.com/events/education/stop-hate-resources-for-confronting

 stop hate

Torah Study – Sign Up for Regular Emails

Do you want to be kept in the loop about Torah study (is it happening? Is there a week off? What is the Parsha, and how can I learn more?) Well, you are in luck! Lily H will be offering regular  notices and study resources. To sign up, email Lily.

NEW DATE:  BIC Book Club: The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store

After a wonderful and engaging discussion of The Art of Leaving, the Beth Israel Book Club is off and running, and invites you to join us to read and discuss The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride, which tells the tale of an American Jewish couple’s struggle and the Black community who unite to help them. The book is available from the Peterborough Public Library in print and electronically. Join us to discuss over snacks at Beth Israel on Thursday, January 30th at 6:30 p.m. RSVP via email appreciated, but not required.